ZoteroBib is a citation generator that can create citations for websites, newspapers, and DOI numbers. If ZoteroBib can't find your source automatically, you can enter the information manually to create the citation.
As with any automatically generated citation, you should always double-check that the formatting is correct.
Visit the JSTOR support page for detailed information on citing images.
Here's a detailed outline from JSTOR.
You can create citations in the following styles directly from sources on JSTOR:
You can create citations when viewing an item by clicking the "Cite" button above the item:
You can also create citations from your search results list:
Be sure to proofread any citations before submitting your work!
Here are some great resources to help with proper citation styles:
For detailed information on how to use NoodleTools, please see the library's NoodleTools Research & Citation Manager research guide.
Zotero also offers a citation generator called ZoteroBib - see box on this page for details!
The Chicago Manual of Style Online is completely searchable and easy to use, providing quick answers to your style and editing questions. The Q & A content is fully searchable along with the content of The Chicago Manual of Style. The Chicago Manual of Style Online also provides convenient Tools, such as sample forms, letters, and style sheets.
Quick links:
The MLA Style Center website provides useful resources including notices on recent updates and sample papers. Updated for brand new 9th edition released in 2021!
Quick links:
Image citations typically include the following:
Images from the web should include the URL and date of access.
Images from books should include the book citation.
This guide from the University of Cincinnati Libraries provides detailed examples.
Visit the JSTOR support page for detailed information on citing images.
Here's a detailed outline from JSTOR.
You can create citations in the following styles directly from sources on JSTOR:
You can create citations when viewing an item by clicking the "Cite" button above the item:
You can also create citations from your search results list:
Be sure to proofread any citations before submitting your work!
NOTE: You may not always see the DOI information for a resource in its reference information, but you can look it up using the Crossref information base!
Sources: Crossref, Scribbr, The DOI Foundation