IGU Biennial Symposium

This guide is designed to help you locate resources for topics related to the 2021 Monmouth University Institute for Global Understanding Biennial Symposium

Randall S. Abate

Abate, Randall S. 2021. "Anthropocene Accountability Litigation: Confronting Common Enemies to Promote a Just Transition." Columbia Journal of Environmental Law 46(S).PDF

Abate, Randall S. Summer, 2019. "Atmospheric Trust Litigation: Foundation for a Constitutional Right to a Stable Climate System?." George Washington Journal of Energy & Environmental Law 10, 33. MU Affiliates 

Abate, Randall S. 2016. "Ocean Iron Fertilization and Indigenous Peoples' Right to Food: Leveraging International and Domestic Law Protections to Enhance Access to Salmon in the Pacific Northwest." UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs 20(1): 45-86. MU Affiliates

Deepa Badrinarayana

Badrinarayana, Deepa. 2018. "A Constitutional Right to International Legal Representation: The Case of Climate Change," Tulane Law Review 93, no. 1: 47-104. MU Affiliates | SSRN

Badrinarayana, Deepa. 2017. "The Jewel in the Crown: Can India's Strict Liability Doctrine Deepen Our Understanding of Tort Law Theory?" University of Louisville Law Review 55(1): 25-56. MU Affiliates I SSRN

Badrinarayana, Deepa. 2017. "The "Right" Right to Environmental Protection: What We Can Discern from the American and Indian Constitutional Experience." Brooklyn Journal of International Law 43(1): 75-130.  MU Affiliates | SSRN

Badrinarayana, Deepa. 2015 '"Gatting" the New Climate Treaty Right: Leveraging Energy Subsidies to Promote Multilateralism." Fordham International Law Journal 39(2)179-204. MU Affiliates | SSRN

Badrinarayana, Deepa. 2016. "India's Climate Change Mitigation Strategy," in Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law, Climate Change Law, 503-514, edited by Daniel A. Farber and Marjan Peeters.

Gina Abatemarco

Gina Abatemarco

Abatemarco, Gina, dir. 2015. Kivalina: Life in the Modern Arctic. Savor Terra Films, New York.

Rebecca Bratspies

La Greca, Charlie, and Rebecca Bratspies. Mayah's Lot. Environmental Justice Chronicles, Book 1. CUNY School of Law Center for Urban Reform.

La Greca, Charlie, and Rebecca Bratspies. Bina's Plant. Environmental Justice Chronicles, Book 2. CUNY School of Law Center for Urban Reform.

Bratspies, Rebecca. 2020. "Renewable Rikers: A Plan for Restorative Environmental Justice." Loyola Law Review 66(2): 371-400. SSRN | MU Affiliates

Bratspies, Rebecca M. 2020. "Public Housing, Private Owners: Sustainable Development Lessons from the Fight to Shut the Poletti Power Plant." City University of New York, School of Law. SSRN

Bratspies, Rebecca. 2020. ""Territory Is Everything": Afro-Colombian Communities, Human Rights and Illegal Land Grabs." HRLR Online 4(3):290-323.

Scott, Inara; David Takacs; Rebecca Bratspies; Vanessa Casado Perez; Robin Kundis Craig; Keith Hirokawa; Blake Hudson; Sarah Krakoff; Katrina Fischer Kuh; Jessica Owley; Melissa Powers; Shannon Roesler; Jonathan Rosenbloom; J.B. Ruhl; Erin Ryan. 2019. "Environmental Law. Disrupted," Environmental Law Reporter News and Analysis 49(1): : 10038-10062.

Bratspies, Rebecca. 2019. "The Trump Administration versus the Administrative State: A Response to Professor Buzbee's Deregulatory Splintering." Chicago-Kent Law Review 94(3):685-698.


Maxine Burkett

Maxine Burkett

Burkett, Maxine. 2018. "Behind the Veil: Climate Migration, Regime Shift, and a New Theory of Justice," Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 53(2): 445-494. MU Affiliates | ScholarSpace

Burkett, Maxine, Jainey Bavishi, and Erin Shew. 2017. "Climate Displacement, Migration, and Relocation-and the United States." Climate Law 2017;7; (4): 227-231. MU Affiliates Link | SSRN

Yamada, Seiji, Maxine Burkett, and Gregory G. Maskarinec. 2017. "Sea-Level Rise and the Marshallese Diaspora." Environmental Justice 10, no. 4 (2017): 93-97.

Burkett, Maxine. 2016. “Climate Disobedience.” Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum 27 (1): 1–50. MU Affiliates Link | SSRN

Burkett, Maxine. 2016. "Reading between the Red Lines: Loss and Damage and the Paris Outcome," Climate Law 6, (1-2): 118-129. MU Affiliates

Burkett, Maxine. 2016. "Justice and Contemporary Climate Relocation: An Addendum to Words of Caution on ‘Climate Refugees’", New Security Beat, August 2016.

Magnan, A. K., E.L.F. Schipper, M. Burkett, S. Bharwani, I. Burton, S. Eriksen, F. Gemenne, J. Schaar, and G. Ziervogel. 2016. “Addressing the Risk of Maladaptation to Climate Change.” WIREs: Climate Change 7 (5): 646–65. | MU Affiliates

Burkett, Maxine. 2015. "Lessons from Contemporary Resettlement in the South Pacific." Journal of International Affairs 68 (2) (Spring): 75-XII. MU Affiliates | SSRN

Burkett, Maxine. 2015. "Rehabilitation: A Proposal for a Climate Compensation Mechanism for Small Island States." Santa Clara Journal of International Law 13,(1): 81-124. MU Affiliates | SSRN

Esmeralda Colombo

Colombo, Esmeralda. 2021. “Law and Ethics: Deep Ecology, Climate Change, and Norway’s Wolf Policy.” Scandinavian Studies in Law 67.

Colombo, Esmeralda. 2021. “From Bushfires to Misfires: Climate-Related Financial Risk after McVeigh v. Retail Employees Superannuation Trust” (accepted in TEL 2021).

Colombo, Esmeralda. 2021. “Climate Change and the Individual: A Norwegian Perspective.” In Comparative Climate Change Litigation: Beyond the Usual Suspects, 91-117, edited by Francesco Sindico and Makane Moïse Mbengue. Springer.

Colombo, Esmeralda. 2020. “«Det norske paradokset» i Klimasøksmål Arktis: ein rettsleg analyse av økonomiske vurderingar." Retfærd 2: 47-70.

Colombo, Esmeralda, and Anastasia Giadrossi. 2020. "Comparative International Litigation and Climate Change: A Case Study on Access to Justice in Adaptation Matters." University of Pittsburgh Law Review, 81(3): 527-596.  MU Affiliates      

Colombo, Esmeralda. 2017.“(Un)comfortably Numb: The Role of National Courts for Access to Justice in Climate Matters”. In Procedural Environmental Rights: Principle X in Theory and Practice, 437-464, edited by Jerzy Jendrośka and Magdalena Bar. Intersentia.

Colombo, Esmeralda. 2017. "The Quest for Cosmopolitan Justice in Climate Matters." Nordisk Miljörättslig Tidskrift 25-39. Open Access

Colombo, Esmeralda. 2017. "Enforcing International Climate Change Law in Domestic Courts: A New Trend of Cases for Boosting Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration?" UCLA Journal of Environmental Law & Policy 35 (1): 98. MU Affiliates |

Colombo, Esmeralda. 2016. "Enforcing International Law in US Courts: The Law of the Sea Convention at Play in Kivalina." ILSA Journal for International and Comparative Law 23(1): 106-144.

John Comiskey

Comiskey, John and Michael Larrañaga. 2019. “Climate Security: A Premortem Approach to a Sustainable Global Future.” Homeland Security Affairs 15, Article 8.

Begaiym Esenkulova

Esenkulova, Begaiym. 2020. "Investment Protection and Sustainable Development in International Investment Agreements: Building Bridges Instead of Walls." In World Trade and Local Public Interest, 205-241, edited by Csongor István Nagy. Cham: Springer International Publishing. SpringerLink

Dzhuraev, Emilbek, Saniya Toktogazieva, Begaiym Esenkulova, and Ayaz Baetov. 2015. "The Law and Politics of Keeping a Constitutional Order: Kyrgyzstan’s Cautionary Story." Hague Journal on the Rule of Law : HJRL 7 (2): 263-282. 

Patrícia Galvão Ferreira

Ferreira, Patrícia Galvão. 2022. "The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI): Using Global Hybrid Regulation to Promote Domestic Governance Reform." In Global Hybrid and Private Governance: Standard-Setting, Market Regulation, and Institutional Design, edited b Benedict Kingbury and Richard B. Stewart. SSRN

Estrin, David and Patricia Galvao Ferreira. "Advancing Climate Justice: The New IBA Model Statute for Proceedings Challenging Government Failure to Act on Climate Change." in Proc. WCEL 2nd World Environmental Law Congress, Forthcoming. SSRN

Ferreira, Patrícia Galvão.2020. "Indigenous Environmental Rights and Sustainable Development: Lessons from Totonicapán in Guatemala." In The Cambridge Handbook of Environmental Justice and Sustainable Development, edited by Sumudu A. Atapattu, Carmen G. Gonzalez, and Sara L. Seck. Cabridge University Press.

Ferreira, Patrícia Galvão. 2018 “Differentiation in International Environmental Law.” In Global Environmental Change and Innovation Law, edited by Neil Craik, et al.  SSRN

Ferreira, Patrícia Galvão. 2018. "Canada's Contribution to International Climate Finance: The Right Direction, a Long Way to Go." Journal of Environmental Law and Practice 32(1): 75-97. MU Affiliates

Ferreira, Patrícia Galvão. 2016."‘Common But Differentiated Responsibilities’ in the National Courts: Lessons from Urgenda v. The Netherlands." Transnational Environmental Law 5(2): 329-351.  |  MU Affiliates


Joshua C. Gellers

Gellers, Joshua C. 2020. Rights for Robots: Artificial Intelligence, Animal and Environmental Law. New York: Routledge.

Gellers, Joshua C. 2017. The Global Emergence of Constitutional Environmental Rights. Routledge.

Gellers, Joshua C. 2020. "Earth System Law and the Legal Status of Non-Humans in the Anthropocene." Earth System Governance: 100083.

Gellers, Joshua C. and Chris Jeffords. 2019. "Environmental Rights in the Asia Pacific Region: Taking Stock and Assessing Impacts." Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law 22 (2): 190-206. 

Gellers, Joshua C. and Chris Jeffords. 2019. "Environmental Determinants of Chinese Development Finance in Africa." The Journal of Environment & Development 28 (2): 111-141.

Gellers, Joshua C., and Chris Jeffords. 2018. “Toward Environmental Democracy? Procedural Environmental Rights and Environmental Justice.” Global Environmental Politics 18 (1): 99–121. | MU Affiliates

Jeffords, Chris, and Joshua C. Gellers. 2017. "Constitutionalizing Environmental Rights: A Practical Guide." Journal of Human Rights Practice 9(1): 136–145. | MU Affiliates

Gellers, Joshua C. 2016. "The Great Indoors: Linking Human Rights and the Built Environment." Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 7 (2): 243-261.

Jeffords, Chris, and Joshua C. Gellers. 2018. "Implementing Substantive Constitutional Environmental Rights: A Quantitative Assessment of Current Practice Using Benchmark Rankings." In Implementing Environmental Constitutionalism: Current Global Challenges, 34-58, edited by Erin Daly and James R. May. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.  

Thomas O. Herrington

Herrington, Michele M., Deepak Anne C, Herrington Thomas. "Assessment of the Effectiveness of Structured and Unstructured Community Groups in the Co-production of Actionable Science with Boundary Organizations." AGU 2019 Fall Meeting; 2019 December 09; San Francisco, CA.

Herrington T.O., Kumari-Drapkin J., Harrington S. Boundary Organizations and Coproduction: Ocean City Residents Map Flood Risks with ISeeChange and Monmouth University. AGU 2019 Fall Meeting; 2019 December 09; San Francisco, CA.

Herrington T.O., Hornick S., Wilkins S., Festing H. Empowering local community organizations to engage with community decision makers for the application of science-based hazard mitigation through science-community partnerships: A Thriving Earth Exchange case study. AGU 2018 Fall Meeting; 2018 December 10; Washington, DC.

Herrington, Thomas O. 2017. "Coastal Hazards and Mitigation Techniques." In Blue Dunes - Climate Change by Design, 93-100, edited by Jesse Keenan and Claire Weisz. Columbia Books on Architecture and the City.

Walling, Katlin, Thomas O. Herrington, and Jon K. Miller. 2016. “Hurricane Sandy Damage Comparison: Oceanfront Houses Protected by a Beach and Dune System with vs. without a Rock Seawall.” Shore & Beach 84(3): 35–41. MU Affiliates

Stellina Jolly

Jolly, Stellina, and Abhishek Trivedi. “Principle of CBDR-RC, Its Interpretation and Implementation through NDCs in the Context of Sustainable Development: Challenges and Opportunities.” Washington Journal of Environmental Law and Policy (forthcoming).

Jolly, Stellina, and K.S. Roshan Menon. 2021. "“Of Ebbs and Flows : Understanding the Legal Consequences of Granting Personhood to Natural Entities in India.” Transnational Environmental Law, 1-26.

Jolly, Stellina. 2020. “UN Human Rights Committee on Climate Displacement: Legal Reflections.” Public Jurist (Government and Laws Committee Hong Kong University Faculty of Law) 3:7. 

Jolly, Stellina. 2021."The Vedanta (Niyamgiri) Case: Promoting Environmental Justice and Sustainable Development." In The Cambridge Handbook of Environmental Justice and Sustainable Development, 289-302, edited by Sumudu Atapattu, Carmen Gonzalez, and Sara L. Seck. Cambridge University Press.

Jolly, Stellina, and Abishek Trivedi. 2019. “Implementing the SDG-13 through International Law: A Legal Overview with an Emphasis on Climate-Induced Displacement.” Brill Open Law pp.69-100.

Jolly, Stellina. 2018. " A Legal Analysis of Linking Human Right Approach to Access to Water and Sharing of Trans-Boundary Rivers in South Asia." In Shifting Horizons of Public International Law. Springer.

Jolly Stellina. 2017. "Cross Border Surrogacy: An Indian State Practice." In Private International Law: South Asian State Practice, 175-197, edited by  Sai Garimella Ramani and Stellina Jolly. Springer. 

Jolly, Stellina. 2017. "Interrogating the pedagogy of State responsibility and Individual Rights in Disaster law." In Disaster Law: Emerging Threshold, 20-40 edited by Anita Singh. Routledge.

Jae-Hyup Lee

Lee, Jae-Hyup, and Jisuk Woo. 2020. "Green New Deal Policy of South Korea: Policy Innovation for a Sustainability Transition." Sustainability 12 (23): 10191. 

Wallsgrove, Richard, Jisuk Woo, Jae-Hyup Lee, and Lorraine Akiba. 2021. "The Emerging Potential of Microgrids in the Transition to 100% Renewable Energy Systems." Energies 14 (6): 1687.

Lee, Taedong, Mark B. Glick, and Jae-Hyup Lee. 2020. "Island Energy Transition: Assessing Hawaii's Multi-Level, Policy-Driven Approach." Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 118: 109500. | MU Affiliates 

Ah-Young Cho and John Leitner and Jae-Hyup Lee, "Korea's Access and Benefit Sharing Regime: The Nayoga Protocol, Domestic Legislation, and Future Steps." Journal of Korean Law 17 (2): 217-232.  MU Affiliates

Evanson Chege Kamau, Jae-Hyup Lee, John Leitner, and Jisuk Woo. 2017. "Access and Benefit Sharing Collaborations: The Academic Conference as Intermediary for Institutional Relationship-Building." IUCN Academy of Environmental Law eJournal 8.

Kelsey Leonard

Kelsey Leonard

Leonard, Kelsey. "WAMPUM Adaptation Framework: Eastern Coastal Tribal Nations and Sea Level Rise Impacts on Water Security." Climate and Development ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print): 1-10.

Leonard, Kelsey. 2020. "Medicine Lines and COVID-19: Indigenous Geographies of Imagined Bordering." Dialogues in Human Geography 10 (2): 164-168.

Robison, Jason, Barbara Cosens, Sue Jackson, Kelsey Leonard, and Daniel McCool. 2018. "Indigenous Water Justice." Lewis & Clark Law Review 22 (3): 841. MU Affiliates | PDF

Díaz Ríos, Claudia, Michelle L. Dion, and Kelsey Leonard. "Institutional Logics and Indigenous Research Sovereignty in Canada, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand." Studies in Higher Education 45, no. 2 (02, 2020): 403-415.

Leonard, Kelsey. 2020. "Putting Indigenous Place-Names and Languages Back on Maps." ArcNews.

Marijana Mladenov

Mladenov, Marijana, Ivan Belaj, and Mirjana Sentin. 2020. "The Status of Environmental Refugees from The Aspect of International Legal Standards, XVII International Scientific Meeting Legal Days." "Prof. Slavko Carić, PhD" "The Role of The State and Law in the 21st Century", pp.345-354.

Mladenov Marijana, Gongeta Sanja. 2019. The Polluter Pays Principle in the Legal Systems of Serbia and Croatia; Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Economic and Legal Framework and Economic Development of Southeast European Countries”, organized by the University Business Academy in Novi Sad, Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary in Novi Sad, pp.227-240.

Mladenov, Marijana and Goran Milojević. 2019. "Human Right to Water with Particular Reference to Practice of the European Court of Human Rights." Strani Pravni Život 2: 109-119. Google Scholar

Počuča, Milan, Marijana Mladenov, and Predraq Mirković. 2018. “The analysis of the Aarhus Convention in the Context of Good Environmental Governance.” Economics of Agriculture 65(4): 1615-1625. MU Affiliates

Mladenov, Marijana. 2018. "Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making Process from the Perspective of the Aarhus Convention." In Transposition of the requirements of the Aarhus Convention into the legal system of the Republic of Serbia with special reference to the competence of local self-government units in the territory of AP Vojvodina, 13-212, edited by Počula Milan.

Mladenov, Marijana, and Nenad Avramović. "The Right to Environmental Information as a Fundamental Human Right." Google Scholar

Mladenov, Marijana. 2013. "Protection of the Right to Privacy in the Practice of the European Court of Human Rights." Zbornik Radova, 47(3): 575-2. MU Affiliates | 


James R. May

Daly, Erin and James R. May. 2019. Compendium of Global Environmental Constitutionalism: Selected Cases and Materials. United Nations Environment Programme (UNE).

May, James R. 2017. "Subnational Environmental Constitutionalism and Reform in New York State." Pace Law Review 38(1)): 121-150. MU Affiliates | SSRN

May, James R., and Erin Daly. 2019. "Human Dignity and Environmental Outcomes in Pakistan." Pakistan Law Review, 10: 1-28. MU AffiliatesSSRN

May, James R., and Tiwajopelo Dayo. 2019. "Dignity and Environmental Justice in Nigeria: The Case of Gbemre v. Shell." Widener Law Review, 25(2): 269-284.  MU Affiliates | SSRN

Daly, Erin, and James R. May. 2019. "Exploring Environmental Justice through the Lens of Human Dignity." Widener Law Review, 25(2): 177-194. MU Affiliates | SSRN

Lina Muñoz Ávila

Muñoz-Ávila, L. 2020. "La cooperación para la democracia ambiental entre los países de América Latina y el Caribe." En Prieur, M.; Sozzo, G. y Nápoli, A. (ed.), Acuerdo de Escazú : hacia la democracia ambiental en América Latina y el Caribe. (págs. 280-287). Editorial Universidad Nacional del Litoral.

Muñoz-Ávila, L. 2020. "Cambio climático, participación y pandemia." Voces por el Clima [Fundación Heinrich Böll], (2020), 7 – 9.

Donges, L., Stolpe, F., Sperfeld, F., Kovac, S., Muñoz-Ávila, L., Rojas Laserna, M., Pérez Álvarez, P., Senior Serrano, S., Lozano Amaya, A. y Sánchez Quintero, A. 2020. Espacio cívico para la participación en las políticas climáticas en Colombia.Instituto Independiente de Asuntos ambientales (UfU e.V.) y Facultad de Jurisprudencia. Berlín.

Muñoz-Ávila, L. y Quesada, B. 2020. "Ciencias ambientales y derecho: relaciones frente al cambio climático en el marco de la pandemia del COVID-19." En Huber, F. (ed.), La emergencia sanitaria COVID-19 a la luz de la emergencia climática. Retos y oportunidades (págs. 53-65). Fundación Heinrich Böll.

Muñoz-Ávila, L. 2020. "Enfoques para el abordaje de la conflictividad ambiental en América Latina: la propuesta del Acuerdo de Escazú sobre democracia ambiental." En Restrepo, M. (ed.), Interculturalidad, protección de la naturaleza y construcción de paz (págs. 209-234). Editorial Universidad del Rosario.

Muñoz-Ávila, L.  y Quintero Giraldo, C. 2020. "El Acuerdo de Escazú sobre democracia ambiental y su relación con el Acuerdo de París sobre cambio climático en Colombia." En Jiménez, H. y Luna, M.(eds.), Crisis climática, transición energética y derechos humanos. Crisis climática, derechos humanos y los Acuerdos de París y Escazú, (págs. 267-282). Fundación Heinrich Böll.

Muñoz-Ávila, L.; Barragán Terán, D. y Sanhueza, A. 2020. "La importancia de la democracia ambiental para la implementación de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en América Latina y el Caribe." En Vargas Chavés, I.; Gómez Rey, A. y Ibañez Elam A. (eds.), Escuela de derecho ambiental (págs. 77-106). Editorial Universidad del Rosario.

Muñoz-Ávila, L y Padilla Ciódaro, M. (2020). La acción de tutela y su relación con los mecanismos de participación ciudadana en asuntos ambientales. En Torres-Villarreal, M. y Iregui-Parra, P. (eds.), Las acciones constitucionales: reflexiones sobre sus avances y retos (págs. 9-30). Editorial Universidad del Rosario y Fundación Hanns Seidel.

Samaniego, J.; Alatorre, J.; Reyes, O.; Ferrer, J.; Muñoz-Ávila, L y Arpaia, L. (2019). Panorama de las contribuciones determinadas a nivel nacional en América Latina y el Caribe, 2019: avances para el cumplimiento del Acuerdo de París (LC/TS.2019/89). Comisión Económica para América Latina, Organización de Naciones Unidas.

Muñoz, L., Gutiérrez, G., Luna, G. & Castro, M.P. (2018). El rol de las clínicas jurídicas en la consolidación de la justicia ambiental. En G.A. Rodríguez. (Ed.), Justicia ambiental en Colombia. Una mirada desde el acceso a la información y a la participación (pp. 143 - 165). Bogotá: Editorial Ibañez.

Barragán Terán, D., & Muñoz Ávila, L. (2018). Gobernanza forestal en Colombia y Ecuador. Revista De Derecho Ambiental, (9), pp. 93-117.

Damilola S. Olawuyi

Olawuyi, Damilola S. 2020. "Energy Poverty in the Middle East and North African (MENA) Region: Divergent Tales and Future Prospects." In Energy Law and Energy Justice, edited by Inigo Del Guayo, Lee Godden, Donald N. Zillman, Milton Fernando Montoya, & Jose Juan Gonzalez, 254-272. Oxford University Press. Oxford

Olawuyi, Damilola S. 2020. "Can MENA Extractive Industries Support the Global Energy Transition? Current Opportunities and Future Directions." The Extractive Industries and Society. | MU Affiliates


Jonathan Scherch

Scherch, Jonathan M. 2014. "New Roots for Sustainable Development: Bamboo Resources and Triple Bottom Line Performance in Alabama''s Black Belt Region." The International Journal of Sustainability in Economic, Social, and Cultural Context 9 (2): 61-78.


Maria Antonia Tigre

Tigre, Maria Antonia, and Natalia Urzola Gutierrez. 2021. "The 2017 Inter-American Court's Advisory Opinion: Changing the Paradigm for International Environmental Law in the Anthropocene." Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 12(1).

Tigre, Maria Antonia, and Sarah C. Slinger. 2020. "A Voice in the Development of Amazonia: The Constitutional Rights to Participation of Indigenous Peoples." In Indigenous Amazonia, Regional Development and Territorial Dynamics, 7-37, edited by Walter Leal Filho; Victor T King; Ismar Borges de Lima. Springer.

Tigre, Maria Antonia, and Victoria Lichet. 2020. "Update on Negotiation of a New International Environmental Agreement." Environmental Law Reporter, 50(10): 10818-10825.  MU Affiliates

Tigre, Maria Antonia, and Victoria Lichet. 2020. "Update on Negotiation of a New International Environmental Agreement." Environmental Law Reporter 50(10): 10818-10825. MU Affiliates | ELR

Tigre, Maria Antonia. 2019. "Implementing Constitutional Environmental Rights in the Amazon Rainforest." In Implementing Environmental Constitutionalism: Current Global Challenges, 59-83, edited by Erin Daly and James R. May. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Jean-Baptiste, Rachel, Randall S. Abate, Maria Antonia Tigre, Patricia Ferreira, Wil Burns. 2017. Environmental Law Reporter News & Analysis, 47(12), 11003-11004.  MU Affiliates

Tigre, Maria Antonia. 2016. "Cooperation for Climate Mitigation in Amazonia: Brazil's Emerging Role as a Regional Leader." Transnational Environmental Law, 5(2): 401-426. MU Affiliates

Tigre, Maria Antonia. "Brazil's First Climate Case to Reach the Supreme Court." OpinioJuris (blog). October 13, 2020.

Tigre, Maria Antonia and Natalia Urzola. "Developing Brazilian Jurisprudence on the Right to a Healthy Environment." The Global Network for Human Rights and the Environment (GNHRE) (blog). December 17, 2020.

Tigre, Maria Antonia and Victoria Lechet. "The Human Rights Council Urges State to Realize the Rights of the Child Through a Healthy Environment." The Global Network for Human Rights and the Environment (GNHRE) (blog). October 19. 2020.

Tigre, Maria Antonia, and Alex Goodman. "ADPF708 / Climate Fund. What to Expect from Brazil's First Public Hearing on Climate Policy?" The Global Network for Human Rights and the Environment (GNHRE) (blog). September 22, 2020.

Tigre, Maria Antonia. "Inter-American Commission Calls on the Brazilian Government to Take Measures to Protect Indigenous Communities from COVID-19." The Global Network for Human Rights and the Environment (GNHRE) (blog). July 31, 2020.

Tigre, Maria Antonia. "Lhaka Honhat Association vs. Argentina: The Human Right to Environment in the Inter-American Court." The Global Network for Human Rights and the Environment (GNHRE) (blog). April 10, 2020.

Tigre, Maria Antonia. "How is COVID-19 Affecting Amazonia? Violations to Human Rights and the Environment." Voelkerrechtsblog (blog). August 10, 2020.

Tigre, Maria Antonia. "Inter-American Court of Human Rights Recognizes the Right to a Healthy Environment." ASIL Insights (blog). June 2. 2020.

Tigre, Maria Antonia. "Inter-American Court Recognizes the Right to a Healthy Environment of Indigenous Peoples in the First Contentious Case." IUCN-WCEL (blog). May 4, 2020. 

"Episonde 13: Featuring Maria Antonia Tigre." February 24. 2021. Common Home Conversations Beyond UN75 (The Planetary Press)Podcast audio.

"Toward A Global Pact for the Environment." July 29, 2020. People Places Planet Podcast (ELI)Environmental Law Institute