ZoteroBib is a citation generator that can create citations for websites, newspapers, and DOI numbers. If ZoteroBib can't find your source automatically, you can enter the information manually to create the citation.
As with any automatically generated citation, you should always double-check that the formatting is correct.
Here are some great resources to help with proper citation styles:
For detailed information on how to use NoodleTools, please see the library's NoodleTools Research & Citation Manager research guide.
Zotero also offers a citation generator called ZoteroBib - see box on this page for details!
Academic Writer is a tool that provides the resources necessary to learn, research, write, and publish in APA Style, directly from the creators of and experts on APA Style, the American Psychological Association. Below are links to select Academic Writer tutorials.
NOTE: You may not always see the DOI information for a resource in its reference information, but you can look it up using the Crossref information base!
Sources: Crossref, Scribbr, The DOI Foundation