Resources on Race, Racism/Anti-Racism, Policing and Equality

These resources on Racism, Race, Policing & Equality are provided by The Guggenheim Memorial Library and the Monmouth University Intercultural Center. We asked the campus community to suggest items that they have found useful in their own journeys of self-work, community healing and structural change. We feature books and other resources from the Library as well as materials recommended for their value to inform, educate, and unite us on our collective journey towards equality and justice for all.

Please consider this a work in progress, a living document. Submit items for inclusion at

National March Against Police Violence Washington DC

National March Against Police Violence, Washington, D.C. (2014)

Featured Resources

Discussions about antiracism are occurring regularly on campus, yet not everyone is clear on what it means to be antiracist, show up as antiracist, and how to be an antiracist advocate or activist. The Time2Reflect Project, created by Monmouth University's graduate student Kyle Homer, aims to define antiracism from people who are doing the work. If we understand how our community members are practicing antiracism and encouraging others to engage in antiracism, we create a more diverse and inclusive campus community. We hope that from this conversation, more and more people make the active choice to acknowledge and call out racism whenever and wherever they see it.

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