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Through her own personal story and the hair-raising experiences of other women and girls, Mena Fombo’s TEDxBristol talk is a witty, yet compelling and sometimes dark exploration of the objectification of black women. It's an issue she has spent a lifetime experiencing and exploring, with both a political and creative lens.
Lupita Nyong'o, Young M.A, Ayana Bird, Lacy Redway, Vernon François and more talk about braids and Black hair culture in America.
Hair is an important part of black women’s identity, but throughout history it has also been a target of oppression. What is the true cost of having black hair?
Women from the audience share their stories and perspectives regarding the hairstyles they choose to wear and address the stigmas surrounding wearing natural hairstyles, weaves and wigs. For more on #BlackWomenOWNTheConversation, visit