EDS 572/338: Assessment Strategies and Applications in the Classroom: Cite Sources: APA

APA Quick Reference Guide

Paper Template for APA 7th Edition

Academic Writer

Please note: If you want to use Academic Writer to store references or write your paper, you will need to create an account using your MU email.

See the "Citation Management Tools" guide for more information on setting up an Academic Writer account.

Managing Citations


This research platform offers tools for note-taking, outlining, citation, document archiving/annotation and collaborative research and writing. You will need to create a personal account to save your work. 


This platform offers tools that assist with collecting, organizing and citing research as well as for collaborative research and writing. You will need to create a personal account to save your work.

Monmouth University Library Tutorial on Plagiarism

Complete the plagiarism tutorial below and you'll be an expert in less than ten minutes!


APA: Anatomy of an Electronic Journal Citation

  • Only first word in article title should be capitalized.
  • Journal title and volume number should be in italics.

APA 7th Edition

How to Avoid Accidental (Unintentional) Plagiarism