Presidential Elections

This guide is designed to help you locate resources for topics related to Presidential Elections in the U.S.

Have You Logged In?

Having trouble accessing MU Library materials from our website? Here are some tips to get you connected!

  • Always access materials via the MU Library website. If your instructor has linked to our resources via eCampus, they should have linked to them via the library website. If they have not, please let them know!
  • When you are NOT on campus, you will be asked to validate your credentials by logging in using your MU email and password. 
  • Access to the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times requires initial signup using a unique link. Note: only an MU email address will permit you to successfully create an account.

***Initial signup link for the Wall Street Journal

***Initial signup link for the New York Times  

smiling young man typing on computer keyboard at desk

Photo: CC:

Best Databases for Political Science

WSJ World News

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Presidential Campaign Ads

campaign cartoon showing image campaign signs for Pres. Eisenhower

From Museum of the Moving Image, The Living Room Candidate: Presidential Campaign Commercials 1952-2012. (accessed October 2, 2020).

NY Times Political News

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