IN PROGRESS -The following is a list of webpages affected by recent Presidential changes. It is not exhaustive and will be updated as changes occur.
The Homeland Security Digital Library - Originally posting a message that the website was removing records due to an Executive order, now the database has gone dark. The database had been composed of homeland security related documents collected from a wide variety of sources.
National Law Enforcement Accountability Database - The DOJ shut this database down that federally tracked misconduct. It was intended to prevent officers with disciplinary records from being rehired by other agencies and created by President Joe Biden in 2022. Note: NJ still maintains a database on major discipline on police and a dashboard on police use of force.
CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - "Some of the pages on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website that went offline have since reappeared. The Atlas Tool, used by policymakers to track rates of infectious diseases such as HIV and STIs, disappeared but now is back. Pages that explained the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, which monitors adolescent health, were gone but can now be seen again. And the CDC's data site, which was taken offline, is back up with datasets available for download. But there is uncertainty about what may be different." - Source: NPR
Census Bureau - The U.S. Census Bureau under the Trump administration has sought permission to delete questions about gender identity from a monthly survey that gathers near real-time data about American life in the Household Trends and Outlook Pulse Survey. Source: AP
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - Website completely down with a "404" error message. For more see: NY Times
Agriculture Department (USDA) - Removal of information related to climate change. "That included websites containing data sets, interactive tools and funding information that farmers and researchers relied on for planning and adaptation projects." Source: NY Times
National Park Service - References to climate change and the word "transgender" removed. For more see: NPR