HO 296-SS: Honors Thesis-Capstone Prep

This guide is designed to help you locate resources for HO 296-SS: Honors Thesis-Capstone Prep

Using Websites in Research

Cultivate an attitude of skepticism when it comes to web-based content.  If you have any doubt whatsoever about the reliability of any given website, clear it with your instructor or check with a librarian before you use it in your paper.

Evaluating Information Rubric

Evaluating Information Rubric

Here are some general questions you should ask when evaluating print sources and websites.

Evaluation Criteria What to Look for in Books and Periodicals What to Look for in Websites

Does the paper/assignment require the most current information, historical information, or information over a period of time?

If you are researching a topic that is currently in the news, you may want only the most recent information. If you are researching a historical event, you may want information written at the time of the event.

For books: What is the copyright date on the reverse of the title page? Does it meet your needs? Is this the most recent edition?

For periodicals:  Does the publication date meet your needs? 

Does the paper/assignment require the most current information, historical information, or information over a period of time?

When was the website published or created? (look for a copyright date on the homepage)

When was the site last updated or revised?

Are the links up to date?


What are the author's credentials and reputation?

What other works on the subject has the author written?

Is the author an expert or researcher in the field? A government agency? A journalist?

Has the author been cited by your instructor?

Has the author been cited in other publications you've read?

Who is supplying the information?

Is it an educational institution (.edu extension)? A government agency (.gov)? A commercial supplier (.com)? A non-profit organization (.org)?

Is the supplier a reputable organization? (look for an “About Us” link on the homepage)

Is there an author or contact person named? What are the author's credentials (see "What to look for in books and periodicals")?

Has this site been reviewed by experts or professional organizations?


If the information is not current, is it still accurate?

Can the information be verified or supported by other sources? Do other sources report the same findings?

Is evidence given to support the information?

Are sources of factual information cited?

Are sources of information cited?

Compared to other sources, is the information complete and accurate?

Are the links also complete and accurate, or are there discrepancies?

Is selection criteria provided for the links found in the website?


Who is the intended audience? Researchers or experts? Trade or professional members? The general public?

Is the source appropriate for your needs, or is it too technical, advanced or elementary?

Who is the intended audience? Experts or the general public? 

Is the site appropriate for your needs, or is it too technical or too elementary? Is it too full of jargon?

Point of View (bias)

Does the source have a particular bias?

Does it promote the ideas of a particular group - religious, political, etc.?

Is the information objective or partial?

Is it factual information or interpretations of facts?

Are there assumptions and opinions stated?

Does the information appear to be filtered or is it free from bias?

Could the organization sponsoring the site have a stake in how the information is presented?

Does the site contain advertisements?

Are various points of view, theories, techniques, or schools of thought offered?


Is the information for academic purposes or entertainment?

How closely does the book or journal relate to the purpose for which you need that information?

What is the purpose of the website or article?

How closely does the website relate to the purpose for which you need that information?


This work is adapted from Evaluating Information Rubric by Penn State University Libraries and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Wikipedia and Academic Research

Here is what Wikipedia itself has to say about using Wikipedia for academic research:

  • "Wikipedia can be a great tool for learning and researching information. However, as with all tertiary reference works, Wikipedia is not considered to be a reliable source as not everything in Wikipedia is accurate, comprehensive, or unbiased. Wikipedia, like other encyclopedias, is intended to provide an overview of topics and indicate sources of more extensive and academic information.
  • " should question the appropriateness of citing any encyclopedia as a source or reference...most secondary schools and institutions of higher learning do not consider encyclopedias, in general, a proper citable source." This is especially noteworthy considering anyone can edit Wikipedia information given at any time.
  • "Information in Wikipedia is often accompanied by a reference. You can use Wikipedia to find the source of the information and cite that. Indeed, Wikipedia can often be a good starting point for research to other sources of information."

When using Wikipedia for background research, it's best to follow two simple rules:

1)  Do your research properly.  Remember that any encyclopedia is a starting point for research, not an ending point.

2)  Use your judgment. Remember that all sources have to be evaluated.

For more on what Wikipedia says about Wikipedia and academic research, see:

Wikipedia: Researching with Wikipedia

Logo & description of Cite Unseen widget-a bias checker for Wikipedia references

You may also want to use the Cite Unseen widget, which scrolls through citations in Wikipedia articles and inserts icons denoting the type/reliability of each source listed.

Searching Websites Effectively

Finding what you need on comprehensive websites can be time-consuming. Look for sitemap to locate specific materials, or use this handy trick:

  • Open Google search bar
  • Type in search term(s)
  • Type in "site" + ":" [colon symbol] followed by the URL.


Google corporate logo multicolored plus search bar showing search term, space, site:URL

This technique will yield search results for your keyword(s) only within the website URL.

Narrowing your results:

You can search by specific domains. For example, if you only want government jobs sites, you can search "jobs" +  "" .

You can also also search for specific file types. For example, to search for a PDF document on jobs, search "jobs" + filetype:PDF.