What are Pronouns?

"Pronouns are linguistic tools that we use to refer to people.  (i.e. they/them/theirs, she/her/hers, he/him/his). We believe that it is important to give people the opportunity to state the pronoun that is correct to use when referring to them.

Pronouns are integral to who we are, and we share pronouns because we want to avoid assuming someone's pronouns based on factors like appearance. By sharing our own pronouns routinely, we encourage others to do the same and demonstrate that we understand the importance of sharing pronouns. Using someone’s correct pronouns is an important way of affirming someone’s identity and is a fundamental step in being an ally."

The chart below outlines many (but not all) of the pronouns used by people today. See more at UC Davis' LGBTQIA Resource Center.

____ laughed. Ask ____! That's ____ pen. That pen's ____. Did ____ enjoy____ ?
co co cos cos coself
en en ens ens enself
ey em eir eirs emself
he him his his himself
she her her hers herself
they them their theirs themself
xie hir ("here") hir hirs hirself
yo you yos yos yoself
ze zir zir zirs zirself
ve vis ver ver verself

Source: UC Davis, LGBTQIA Resource Center

How you could ask:

“What pronouns do you use?”

“What pronouns would you like me to use?”                

  How you could share:

  “I’m Jade and my pronouns are ze and hir.”

  “Leo, I prefer they and them, but he is fine too.”

  “My pronoun is co.”


Web Resources

An Ally's Guide to Terminology by GLAAD and MAP