Journals are disseminated via research databases (academic abstracting and indexing services) such as JSTOR, PubMed, EBSCOhost, ProQuest (even Google Scholar). A journal website should say where it is indexed.
Is it indexed in the places it says it is?
Has it been assigned ranking(s)? E.g.SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) Indicator
Are its policies on peer review, open access, copyright publicly available?
If it charges publication fees, are they clearly stated and explained?
What are the copyright policies? Will you be able to preserve copyright over your work? If you are required to meet a public access mandate to share your research, are the copyright policies compatible? In many open access journals, authors retain full copyright to their work and give the journal a “non-exclusive” right to publish the work.
About the Publisher
Where is it located? Use SHERPA/RoMEO to discover details about publishers, including country of origin.
Description: scope and focus, publication frequency, author guidelines
Fee policy clearly stated
Free of grammatical errors and typos
Is there a digital preservation policy in place?
If open access, is it registered with the OASPA (Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association)? Many of the largest open access publishers are members of the OASPA, though there are legitimate open access publishers that do not belong.
Publisher’s permissions/ sharing policy available on website? Via SHERPA/RoMEO?