Racial Healing

What is TRHT-Truth, Racial Healing, & Transformation?

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation-led Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) enterprise is a multi-year, national and community-based effort to engage communities, organizations and individuals from multiple sectors across the United States in racial healing and addressing present-day inequities linked to historic and contemporary beliefs in a hierarchy of human value. This absurd belief, which has fueled racism and conscious and unconscious bias throughout American culture, is the perception of inferiority or superiority based on race, physical characteristics or place of origin.

The two foundational pillars for every TRHT effort are:
Narrative change and truth-telling  |   Racial healing and relationship building

What is Narrative Change?

Examining how to create and distribute new complex and complete narratives in entertainment, journalism, digital and social media, school curricula, museums, monuments and parks and in the way we communicate that can influence people’s perspectives, perceptions and behaviors about and towards one another so that we can work more effectively and productively towards community-based change. 

Source: TRHT- W.K. Kellogg Foundation

What is Racial Healing & Relationship Building?

Focusing on ways for all of us to heal from the wounds of the past, to build mutually respectful relationships across racial and ethnic lines that honor and value each person’s humanity, and to build trusting intergenerational and diverse community relationships that better reflect our common humanity.

Source: TRHT - W.K. Kellogg Foundation

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