Racial Healing

image of logo national day of racial healing

What is the National Day of Racial Healing?

The National Day of Racial Healing (NDORH) is an opportunity for people, organizations, and communities to call for racial healing, bring people together in their shared humanity and take action together to create a more just and equitable world.

Established in 2017 by more than 550 U.S. leaders who wanted to set aside a day of action, the National Day of Racial Healing is observed every year on the Tuesday following Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

How to Participate?

1. Watch the Changing the Narrative digital series on the origins of racial healing and the ongoing work required to achieve racial equity.

2. Host a screening of Getting Better Foundation’s award-winning documentary Trust Me to highlight your community's need for media literacy, to build trust, resilience, lessen polarization, and preserve democracy. Use these accompanying resources to help guide your community's engagement with the film.

3. Find an event. Search local and virtual programs to learn more about racial healing. 

Source: WebJunction