Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership

This guide contains selected resources useful for locating information in the field of education and provides specific information on dissertation research.

HawkFind: Search All Library Resources

Scholarly & Peer Reviewed   Beyond Library Collection
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Journal Locator

Already have a citation?

Use the Journal Locator to search for or within a journal or periodical.

Enter the title of the periodical, such as American Historical Review, College English, or the Wall Street Journal. The Locator will let you know if MU has access to the title.

Google Scholar & Citation Research

Click on Google Scholar from the Library webpage ( or directly at 

  • When you use this authenticated link, you will be asked (if you are off campus) to log in using your MU username and passord. Your search results will include direct links to content that we subscribe to. If you search Google Scholar directly, without authentication, you will not see these direct links.
  • Pay specific attention to the "cited by" number at the bottom of each result. Why is this important?

Looking for Articles

Use research databases to search for articles. Most databases allow you to limit to scholarly or peer reviewed articles. Some databases will return full text articles, and abstracts or summaries of articles.

Use the GET ARTICLE or LINK TO FULL TEXT link to see if an article is available in another database. If an article is unavailable through Monmouth University Library it may be requested through Interlibrary Loan. 

Subscription databases are available to Monmouth University students, faculty and staff. For remote log in, use your university username and password.

You can view the entire list of MU databases by subject or A to Z.


Some keywords and search terms to consider:

  • educational leadership
  • transformative education
  • adult learning theory
  • intrinsic motivation


Tests & Assessments

Best Databases for Educational Counseling