Contained within this
document are selected resources at the Monmouth University Library, useful for
locating information on Theatre Studies, Performance Studies, and Dramatic Literature. For additional resources, search the
Library catalog or call the reference desk at 732.571.3438. You may also wish to consult the Literature Studies LibGuide.
"Performance is no longer easy to define or locate. . . Performance is a mode of behavior, an approach to experience; it is play, sport, aesthetics, popular entertainment, experimental theatre and more..." (Richard Schechner)
"The two disciplines of theatre studies and performance studies, which are distinct, although overlapping at times, both look at performance in its many incarnations. Historically rooted in literary studies, theatre studies developed as an independent academic discipline throughout the last part of the nineteenth century and over the course of the twentieth century . . . Previously, the dramatic text was the only focus of academic studies, but once recognition was brought to the fact that the text was only one element of theatre and that performance is central, the discipline of theatre studies was born. . ." (Francesca Marini, "Archivists, Librarians, and Theatre Research")
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