CO 225: Business & Professional Communication: Articles

This guide is designed to help you locate resources for topics discussed in CO225, Business & Professional Communication

Access to Databases

All Monmouth University students, faculty and staff have access to subscription databases on campus. Be sure you have logged in using your Monmouth University email address and password or you will not be able to access databases. If you have issues, please use library chat or contact the library reference desk at 732-571-3438 or




Google Scholar Search - Details & VIdeo

Search Google Scholar for scholarly full-text materials available in addition to those you locate in HawkFind. If there is a link to the right of any of your search results, follow the link to view the full article (you may not have access to all the articles in your search results)Check out the Google Search tips video (created by Concordia University) for additional help, and be sure to access Google Scholar from the Monmouth University website in order to view accessible articles.

Google Scholar Search

Journal Locator

Use the Journal Locator to see if the Library has access to a journal or periodical.

Need help? Check out the Journal Locator Tutorial.

Search Tips

  • Use the word "AND" to combine your keywords to make your search more specific, e.g. "substance abuse" AND "domestic violence."
  • Use synonyms and alternative or related terms - broader or narrower - to expand your relevant results, e.g. "teenagers" | "adolescents" | "youth"
  • Use the truncation "*" (star) symbol to search for words with common roots without entering them individually, e.g. searching for teen* retrieves "teen," "teens", "teenaged", "teenagers." Use the "star" symbol (hit "shift" key + 8) to add truncation to your search term.
  • You can limit search results in many databases to academic/peer-reviewed journals, by publication date, or full-text only.

Searching Databases -- Getting Started

Most research databases allow you to limit your searches to scholarly or peer reviewed articles. Many databases will return full text articles and abstracts (summaries) of the articles.

Click the article title to get started. If you cannot view the full text of the article in a particular database, click either the "Get Article" or "Link to Full Text" link to see whether it is available in another library database. If the article is unavailable through the Monmouth University Library, it may be requested through Interlibrary Loan

Subscription databases are available to Monmouth University students, faculty and staff. For remote log in, use your university username and password.

View the entire list of MU databases in the  A to Z List of Databases - or view Databases by Subject.

Ebsco databases look different in 2025 - see the box on this page for what's new!

Need an article in a popular magazine like The Atlantic or National Geographic? No problem! Flipster has current, full issues of popular magazines that you can virtually "flip" through! 

Business Databases

Newspaper Databases

NOTE: Monmouth University has access to the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal via their desktop platforms. You must have MU login credentials to set up your free account. Click the "info" icon for details on setting up your MU New York Times account.

Communication Databases


Scholarly & Peer Reviewed   Beyond Library Collection
Advanced Search

  Popular vs Trade vs Scholarly


Popular Magazines

Trade Journals

Scholarly Journals


All readers

Professionals working in a specific field. Example: Nurses

Scholars and Students


Glossy paper, many ads and pictures

Glossy paper, short articles, many ads and pictures

Research articles with charts and graphics, few pictures


Freelance writers or journalists hired by magazine

Members of the profession

Professors, scholars or teachers in the field


Entertain and inform

Keep professionals up to date with trends in the field

Publish new research in the field


Very few citations

Very few citations

References are listed at the end of each article


Articles reviewed by magazine’s editors

Articles reviewed by magazine’s editors

Articles undergo peer-review by scholars within the same field


Published weekly or monthly

Published weekly or monthly

Published a few times a year, quarterly


Time, People

Advertising Age, Education Week

Higher Education Research & Development



Changes to Ebsco Databases!

You may have noticed that Ebsco databases look different this year! There has been a major redesign, and while the databases have the same basic search tools and features, some of them may be in different places. Here are some tips to get you started:

What's the same:

  • Default setting for searches is keyword - what you type into the search bar will be searched as a search term
  • To change setting and search by author, subject, publication, etc., use the drop down menus at the right of the search bar
  • To return to any article, you will need a specific "stable" link from Ebsco - do NOT use the URL at the top of the article's webpage.
  • You have tools that allow you to share, save, download or cite any article - in your search results list, click any article title to view the database tools menu (on right side of page)
  • You have the ability to create a unique login/password to save your work within any Ebsco database

What's different:

  • To get a "stable" link to return to any article, open the tools menu and use the "share" feature, then click "create link" and copy the link that pops up
  • Search filter menus are in the same place but far less visible - open the drop down menus to view your filter options
  • You now have a personal dashboard in the column at left

Don't panic! Librarians are here to help you navigate all MU databases! Use email, library chat or make an appointment!