SC 130: Climate Science

This research guide will help you find resources for topics discussed in SC 130, Climate Science Honors.

Cite Your Sources

Citation is your indication that certain material in your work came from another source. It also provides readers with the information necessary to find that source again. Giving credit to the original author by citing sources is the only way to use other people's work without plagiarizing.

The following situations almost always require citation:

  • quotation
  • paraphrasing
  • use of an idea not your own
  • specific reference to the work of another
  • use of someone else's work to develop your own ideas

Adapted from:

Citation Help

Citation Help

Here are some great resources to help with proper citation styles:

For detailed information on how to use NoodleTools, please see the library's NoodleTools Research & Citation Manager research guide.

Zotero also offers a citation generator called ZoteroBib - see box on this page for details!

APA Publication Manual

A copy of the APA Publication Manual is available at the Library's Reference Desk. Click here for a tutorial on how to cite sources using APA style. 


NOTE: The APA Publication Manual was updated to its 7th edition in October 2019. Refer to the APA Style Blog for useful tools, guidelines and discussion of specific APA topics, or click here to see what's new.

Academic Writer (APA Style Guide)

Master the art of scholarly writing with Academic Writer! Features include:

APA 7th Edition Paper Template (Template by Kathryn L. Lubniewski, Ed.D. Monmouth University)

APA: Citing an Electronic Journal Article

Citing a Journal Article in APA Style

APA citation with various parts identified: in order-Authors listed last name first, with first initial; Publication date in parentheses; article title with only proper names capitalized; Journal title in italics, publication volume number in italics immediately followed by issue number in parentheses; DOI number

  • Only the first word in an article title and any proper nouns in that title should be capitalized.
  • Journal title and volume number should be in italics.
  • DOI number must be complete URL (starts with https://)
  • APA 7th Edition Paper Template (Template by Kathryn L. Lubniewski, Ed.D. Monmouth University)

Locating & Using DOI information

Locating & Using DOI Information

What is a DOI?

  • A DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is a stable (permanent) URL that is linked to the specific document and cannot be changed.

Why do I need one?

  • Most citation formats now require DOI information.

Why are DOIs necessary?

  • Many online resources appear on multiple websites and databases. A DOI is linked permanently to a specific document and cannot be changed.

NOTE: You may not always see the DOI information for a resource in its reference information, but you can look it up using the Crossref information base

Sources: Crossref, Scribbr, The DOI Foundation