SC 130: Climate Science

This research guide will help you find resources for topics discussed in SC 130, Climate Science Honors.

Saving Your Work

There are several ways you can save your research work as you move through your project:

Create an account within a database (JSTOR, Academic Search Complete, Credo, etc.) and save articles to folders.

Send individual articles to yourself, print them, save to a thumb drive or upload to Google Drive using the database widgets provided. These will look slightly different depending on the database, and are typically found when you open up individual articles. You can also download a PDF if it's available. Here's what the widgets look like in the Ebsco databases: 

Widget icons for Google Drive, add to a folder, print, email, save

Create an account in Zotero or NoodleTools. Not only will you be able to save articles here, but you can keep lists of search terms, book titles and other resources types, and there are templates that help you create your paper and/or bibliography. There are tools to create documents for all major styles/formats (MLA, APA, Chicago Style, etc.).

Create an account within MLA Style Center or Academic Writer (APA Style). There are tutorials and templates to help you create your paper and/or bibliography using MLA/APA style. Use Chicago Style Online for Chicago Style format.