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Divination is the art and science of obtaining information by occult means. Divination has been practiced in every culture in the world throughout history. The receptive side of occult practice, as magic is the active side, divination is a basic skill used by most magicians, witches, and other occult practitioners in one form or another.
Source: The New Encyclopedia of the Occult by John Michael Greer.
Image: Divination display at the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford, England, Wikimedia Commons
Sources: New World Encyclopedia and The Witch's Way: A Guide to Modern-Day Spellcraft, Nature Magick, and Divination by Shawn Robbins and Leanna Greenaway
Pellomancy, or divination through use of a pendulum, consists of some sort of weighted material that hangs from a chain or a string. The pendulum can be used to answer yes or no questions.
Image: Antranias, WikiMedia Commons
To scry means to peer or gaze into some sort of surface or medium in order to actually see and interpret images that appear there. Most scryers use a reflective object like a mirror, crystals, a crystal ball, or even a bowl of water.
Image: "The Crystal Ball" by John William Waterhouse, 1902, Wikimedia Commons