Welcome to "The Julian Abele Project!" This libguide explores pioneering African American architect Julian Abele's relationship with Monmouth University's Great Hall (previously known as both Shadow Lawn and Wilson Hall). It was designed by Professor Melissa Ziobro's Fall 2020 Museums and Archives Management Basics class to increase awareness about Abele's role in the creation of what is perhaps our University's most beloved landmark. Everyone who has attended Monmouth University has personal memories of the building. But if you ask them about it, they are probably more likely to mention Woodrow Wilson’s brief time at the original Shadow Lawn (not ours), or the current mansion’s starring role as Daddy Warbucks's home in the movie Annie than they are the fact that it was designed in large part by a pioneering Black architect, and perhaps “the greatest American born Beaux-Arts architect,” Julian Abele. We want to change that.
The class researched and wrote the text, interviewed Abele's biographer, located the images used, compiled the bibliography, and otherwise built the page. As you explore the libguide, we hope you enjoy learning a bit about Abele, and the resources about him available at our library and elsewhere. Questions about this libguide can be directed to Professor Ziobro (mziobro@monmouth.edu) or University Librarian Kurt W. Wagner (kwagner@monmouth.edu).