EDL 280 Introduction to Early Childhood Education

This is an introductory course, which examines the historical, philosophical, and theoretical foundations of early childhood education. The course will cover major aspects of the physical, socio-emotional, and cognitive development of young children from

APA Style

The APA Style was developed by the American Psychological Association and was originally used in psychology and the social sciences. It is also used in health, nursing, life sciences, and engineering. APA style uses brief in-text citations that refer to an alphabetical list of references appearing at the end of the work.

Recommended Tutorials

APA Style Manual

APA: Anatomy of an Electronic Journal Citation

  • Only first word in article title should be capitalized.
  • Journal title and volume number should be in italics.

Citing Census Information

U. S. Census Bureau. (2018). Demographic and Housing Estimates, 2015-2019 American Community
  Survey 5-Year Data Profile
. Retrieved from

Citation Tools


This research platform offers tools for note-taking, outlining, citation, document archiving/annotation and collaborative research and writing. You will need to create a personal account to save your work. 


This platform offers tools that assist with collecting, organizing and citing research as well as for collaborative research and writing. You will need to create a personal account to save your work.