EDC 505: Counseling Ethics & Practice: APA Citation Help

This guide provides resources for the EDC505-Counseling Ethics & Practice course.

Citing Your Sources

Citing your sources is an important component of the writing process. Give proper credit to the authors of the ideas and specific quotes you have used in your paper to prevent plagiarism.

American Psychological Association

A copy of the APA Manual is available at the Library's Reference Desk.

APA: Anatomy of an Electronic Journal Citation

  • Only first word in article title should be capitalized.
  • Journal title and volume number should be in italics.

Monmouth University Writing Center: Resources for Writers

Additional information on APA research and documentation can be found at the Writing Center's Resources for Writers.

Citation Websites

Style guides show how to format citations for bibliographies, footnotes, and in-text citations in a consistent format that makes it easy for the reader to locate the source your used in your paper.