Locate testing instruments. Note: Actual tests are not included, but information for obtaining them is. Hosted on the EBSCOhost platform.
If you try searching Google Scholar below, you may find some scholarly full-text materials available for free. You can also check to see if we have them for free via one of our research databases. Go to Journal Locator and type in the journal title in which the article was published.
Many databases provide full-text access to journals. However, you can use the GET ARTICLE icon to search for full-text coverage of the title you need in one of the other databases. If no access is available, you can request and Interlibrary Loan (ILL) for the materials.
Use the Journal Locator to see if the Library has access to a journal or periodical.
Not sure if a particular journal is peer-reviewed? Check out Ulrichsweb. This database (also found in the A-Z database list from "Quick Links" on the library website) provides detailed information on publications. Look for the referee icon to indicate it is a peer-reviewed journal.
The black and white “ref jersey” icon below indicates that Higher Education is a peer-reviewed journal, but Education Week is not.