HO 494/HO 296: Honors Capstone Preparation Course


Scholarly & Peer Reviewed   Beyond Library Collection
Advanced Search

Environmental Science Databases

General Interest & Humanities Databases

News Databases

NOTE: Monmouth University has access to the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal via their desktop platforms. You must have MU login credentials to set up your free account. Click "info" icon to see details on how to get started with New York Times access.

Government & Non-Profit Resources


Journal Locator

  • Journal Locator can help you determine whether the MU Library has access to a specific journal or magazine. The article you want may not be available in a database, but could be available in print.  Print holdings of journals can be found on the Library's lower level.  These are shelved alphabetically by title. 
  • Use the Journal Locator to search for or within a journal or periodical. To search for journals by subject, scroll to Browse by Subject; click any subject to see sub-categories. For tips, please see the Journal Locator Tutorial.

Peer Reviewed Journals & Ulrichsweb

  • Use Ulrichsweb to get a snapshot of the publication details for most academic journals.
  • You can find Ulrichsweb in the Databases A-Z List on the library homepage.
  • To determine whether a specific journal is peer-reviewed, type its title into the search bar.
  • Look for the "refereed" icon indicating that a specific journal is refereed (peer-reviewed).

In the below example, the black and white “ref jersey” icon in the second column indicates that American Anthropologist is refereed (peer-reviewed).

Graphic showing spreadsheet indicating journals list with referee jersey icons


Google Scholar Search - Details & VIdeo

Search Google Scholar for scholarly full-text materials available in addition to those you locate in HawkFind. If there is a link to the right of any of your search results, follow the link to view the full article (you may not have access to all the articles in your search results)Check out the Google Search tips video (created by Concordia University) for additional help, and be sure to access Google Scholar from the Monmouth University website in order to view accessible articles.

Google Scholar Search