Cabells Directories

Use this guide to navigate the information and resources available on the Cabells Journalytics database.

What is Cabells?

Cabells is the complete reference resource for details on academic journals, including general information, evaluation metrics, submission details and more. Cabells online directories provide complete information on a wide variety of journals, including ranking, submission information and citation data. If you are looking to place your paper for publication, Cabells is your first step in this process. 

To access Cabells:

  • Navigate to the library home page
  • Login with MU user/password credentials
  • Look for Cabells in Databases A-Z list
  • When you open Cabells, you will see a start page -  look for the access icon to Cabells Journalytics at upper right (see image below). Click the icon to open the Cabells Journalytics search page.


The Cabells Journalytics List (formerly Cabells Whitelist)

graphic showing guided search features

The Cabells Journalytics list (formerly the Cabells Whitelist) includes detailed information on over 11,000 academic journals within 18 disciplines. These journals have been vetted by the Cabells team of researchers, and are reviewed for inclusion on an annual basis using a detailed selection policy. The list is fully searchable by title/keyword, and includes a range of search filters like topic, ranking, publisher, difficulty of acceptance and impact factor.

The Predatory Reports List (formerly Cabells Blacklist)

The Predatory Reports list (formerly Cabells Blacklist) is a fully searchable list of academic journals that do not meet the Cabells standards for scholarly journalism. The list includes journals that are considered predatory, and all journals that appear on the list are screened for key negatives in publication practices such as misleading influence metrics and incomplete or incorrect contact information.

Monmouth University does have access to the Cabells Predatory Reports list - to access, open Cabells using the access link at the upper right of the homepage, start a search and click the Predatory Journals tab at the top.