Education: Articles

Selected resources in the Monmouth University Library useful for locating information in the field of Education.

Suggested Education Databases

To begin your search try these resources below, if you encounter any questions try using the box below to answer your question.  

More Information on Journals

To locate databases and journal articles available from Monmouth University, go to the FIND Articles page.  Databases specific to Education are found on the Databases by Subject page. Keep in mind that what may not be available in one database, may be available in another.  No two databases are the same.  Successful researchers will find they need to search multiple databases to find relevant material, as each database contain its own collection of journals.
When searching in Education databases, you do not need to type the word "education" in your search.  When searching the multi-subject databases, use "education" as a subject heading to limit the results to the field of Education. Use the database's thesaurus or browse their subject headings to find additional search terms for your topic. EBSCO offers many databases that Monmouth University Subscribes to, which can be confusing.  While you may be searching two completely different databases the interface will look exactly the same.  Take note of the "Searching" alert on any EBSCO page, this informs you exactly the database you are searching.  By using the "choose database" feature you can add relevant databases to your search.
Many databases provide full-text access to journals. However, you can use the   icon to search for full-text coverage of the title you need in one of the other databases. Clicking the  button will open a pop up window which will show you where the article you are looking for is located.  Clicking "Article" will take you directly to the article in pdf or html format.  Clicking "Journal" will take you directly to the journal the article you are looking for in contained within.  At times you will find the article you are looking for is located in "Monmouth University Print Holdings," this means that the article you are looking for is in the library in print , microfilm, or microform. If no access is available, you can request and Interlibrary Loan (ILL) for the materials. ILL Request Form
Use the Journal Locator to see if the Library has access to a journal or periodical.  Keep in mind that the Journal Locator is for searching by a journals title.  You will NOT find articles in the journal locator.  Also keep in mind that the Journal Locator does not make up for errors in spelling so make sure you have spelled the Journal title correctly.  Need help? Check out the Journal Locator Tutorial.
While there are limiters on almost all databases to make sure you only produce scholarly or peer reviewed journal articles, you may at times need to make sure.  If that is the case try using Ulrichsweb periodical directory.  Search for the title of the JOURNAL you are not sure about and Ulrichsweb will display a results list.  If you see a referee jersey, that means that your periodical is refereed, or it is a scholarly, peer reviewed journal.  For more information on scholarly articles take a look at this:Anatomy of a Scholarly Article: NCSU Libraries Clues to look for in identifying a scholarly article.

Google Scholar

Try searching Google Scholar, you may find some scholarly full-text materials available.  You can also check to see if we have them via one of our research databases.  Go to Journal Locator and type in the journal title in which the article was published.  For help using Journal Locator, view our tutorial.

Google Scholar Search