Medieval Manuscript Research Guide (Advanced): Rare Book Collection

Rare Book Collection

The  Monmouth University Rare Book Collection, located together with the Mumford Collection, focuses on early English history and 18th-19th-century English and American literature. Notable works include a signed first edition of Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own, an early printing of the Declaration of Independence, a first edition of James Joyce's Ulysses, and important works from T.S. Eliot. All are invited to visit by calling 732.571.4403.

Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales

Recent Acquisitions

Recent acquisitions in the Monmouth University Library rare book collection include:

  • Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe (1804 printing)

  • Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species (1893 printing)

  • Charles Dickens' The Cricket on the Hearth (1846 printing)

  • Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene (1758 printing)

  • The Book of Common Prayer (clasp binding, 1701 printing)





Recent Acquisitions

T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land (First American Edition)