Medieval Manuscript Research Guide (Advanced): Digitized Books

Monmouth Univeisty Library Digitization Process

Monmouth University Library plans to digitize selections from its special collections through an agreement with the Internet Archive. However, manuscript leaves, photos, and small books are digitized in-house, using museum-quality flatbed book scanners. Only a few are available at present (see right), but look for more in the future. You can also visit digitized manuscript leaves under the Digitized Manuscript Leaves tab.

Digitized Books

Below are several digitized works of important literary works. More titles will be added in 2012.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge's  The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner

Another version of The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner (with page turning capabilities)

Charles Dickens' The Mystery of Edwin Drood  in serialization (vol. 1)

John Milton's Paradise Lost (Book 1; copy owned and annotated by Siegfried Sassoon)

John Milton's Paradise Lost (Book 2; copy owned and annotated by Siegried Sassoon)

T.S.Eliot's The Waste Land (First American Printing, 1922 in The Dial)

Lord Byron's Childe Harold (on vellum, 1820)

Shakespeare's Sonnets (Riviere Binding)