Guy Oakes
Frederick McKitrick
Krista M. Malott and Tina R. Paone, Editors
Roy Nersesian
Michael Waters
Kenneth Womack and Katie Kapurch, Editors
Peter Lui
This book is written for criminal justice and other social science students who are required to design and carry out an empirical survey research study after having learned the basics of Research Methods. Students in Research Methods can use this text as a guide for implementing their research ideas. It can also be used as a guide for a graduate student thesis because the principles for undergraduate and graduate level theses are similar.
John Moran
Charles Willow
A collection of essays discussing historical, cultural and social aspects of color in the Ancient World and Pre-Columbian America (circa 3000 B.C.- 1000 A.D.).
Lives of Reason. 2016. By Robert Rechnitz and Kenneth Stunkel. Two River Theater, Red Bank, NJ. Jan./Feb. 2016
P. Jeffrey Christakos
Christakos, P. Jeffrey and Douglas Stives. 2017. "Planning for Business Clients." NJ CPA Magazine, January/February 2017, 12.
Xudong (Daniel) Li
Li, Xudong. 2016. "The Impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on Earnings Management Using Classification Shifting: Evidence from Core Earnings and Special Items." Accounting & Taxation, 8(1): 39-48.
Corey Dzenko
Dzenko, Corey. 2016. "Taking a Moment to Have a Say." In Activating Democracy: The "I Wish to Say" Project, ed., Sheryl Oring, 1-6. Bristol, UK: Intellect Books
Dzenko, C. (2016). Continuing to work toward US manhood: Contemporary performance-photographer Kerry Skarbakka's The Struggle to Right Oneself. Men and Masculinities, 20(1), 3-26.
James P. Mack
Cieslak, E., Mack, J. P., and Rojtmann, A. 2016. "Essential Oils and Methylglyoxal: A Possible Alternative Treatment for Antibiotic Resistant Bacterial Infections." International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 8(9): 107-110.
Grullon, J., Mack, J. P., and Rojtmann, A. 2016. "Using Essential Oils to Combat the Threat of Multi-Drug Resistant Bacteria, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa." International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 8(12): 180-183.
John Tiedemann
Danylchuk, Andy J., John Tiedemann, and Steven J. Cooke. 2016. Perceptions of Recreational Fisheries Conservation within the Fishing Industry: Knowledge Gaps and Leaning Opportunities Identified at East Coast Trade Shows in the United States. Fisheries Research Vol. 186. doi://
Dmytro Kosenkov
Famularo. Nicole, Yana Kholod, and Dmytro Kosenkov. 2016. Integrating chemistry laboratory instrumentation into the industrial internet: Building, programming, and experimenting with an automatic titrator. Journal of Chemical Education 93 (1): 175,
Martin J. Hicks
Evans, Suzette M., Richard W. Foltin, Martin J. Hicks, Jonathan B. Rosenberg, Bishnu P. De, Kim D. Janda, Stephen M. Kaminsky, and Ronald G. Crystal. 2016. "Efficacy of an Adenovirus-Based Anti-Cocaine Vaccine to Reduce Cocaine Self-Administration and Reacqusition using a Choice Procedure in Rhesus Macaques." Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 150-151: 76-86. doi:10.1016/j.pbb.2016.09.008.
Hicks, Martin J., Maria J. Chiuchiolo, Douglas Ballon, Jonathan P. Dyke, Eric Aronowitz, Kosuke Funato, Viviane Tabar, et al. 2016. "Anti-Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Gene Therapy for Glioblastoma." PLoS One 11 (10). doi:
Jonathan Ouellet
Ouellet, Jonathan. 2016. "RNA Fluorescence with Light-Up Aptamers." Frontiers in Chemistry 4: 29. doi:10.3389/fchem.2016.00029.
Kharma, Nawwaf, Luc Varin, Aida Abu-Baker, Jonathan Ouellet, Sabrine Najeh, Mohammad-Reza Ehdaeivand, Gabriel Belmonte, Anas Ambri, Guy Rouleau, and Jonathan Perreault. 2016. "Automated Design of Hammerhead Ribozymes and Validation by Targeting the PABPN1 Gene Transcript." Nucleic Acids Research 44 (4): e39-e39.
Gloria J. Brown Simmons
CASSINI Imaging Team, NASA/JPL/University of Arizona [led by] Carolyn Porco [and] Andy Ingersoll with Gloria Brown, Shawn Ewald, Vance Haemmerle, Dyer Lytle, [and] Ashwin Vasavada. "Jupiter Mosaics and Movies - Rings, Satellites, Atmosphere,"
Tsanangurayi Tongesayi
Tongesayi, Sunungurai and Tsanangurayi Tongesayi. 2016. "Water Quality and Public Health: Role of Wastewater." In Chemistry and Water The Science Behind Sustaining the World's Most Crucial Resource, ed. Satinder Ahuja, 553–596. Amsterdam: Elsevier,
John Morano
Morano, John. 2016. A Wing and a Prayer: 25th Anniversary Edition. Katy, TX: Grey Gecko Press.
William Tepfenhart
Wang, Jiacun, Bill Tepfenhart, and Xiaoou LI. 2016. "Analysis of Minimum Workflow Resource Requirement." In Process-Aware Systems: Second International Workshop, PAS 2015, Hangzhou, China, October 30, 2015. Proceedings, Jian Cao, Xiao Liu, and Kaijun Ren, eds., 53-66.
Jiacun Wang
Wang, Jiacun, Bill Tepfenhart, and Xiaoou LI. 2016. "Analysis of Minimum Workflow Resource Requirement." In Process-Aware Systems: Second International Workshop, PAS 2015, Hangzhou, China, October 30, 2015. Proceedings, Jian Cao, Xiao Liu, and Kaijun Ren, eds., 53-66.
John Comiskey
Lockwood, B., Comiskey, J.G. 2016. The Use of Research Resources from a University Library by Criminal Justice Students. Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian, 35 (1): 2-18.
Brian Lockwood
Lockwood, B., Comiskey, J.G. 2016. The Use of Research Resources from a University Library by Criminal Justice Students. Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian, 35 (1): 2-18.
Marie Mele
Mele, Marie. 2016. Victim Advocacy. In Introduction to Criminal Justice: A Narrative Approach, Allyssa Ackerman and Meghan Sacks, 122. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
Linda Arnold
Arnold, Linda. 2016. "Lesson study with Preservice Secondary Mathematics Teachers: Affordances and Constraints." Proceedings of the 13th International Congress for Mathematical Education, 2358-2359.
Judith Bazler
Bazler, Judith A., Letty Graybill, Meta VanSickle, Kyle Seiverd, Dorothy Varygiannes, Erik Tiernan, and Charles Volpi. 2016. "Reviews of Biology and Mathematics APPs for Use by Science and Mathematics Teachers." American Journal of Educational Research 4(1): 40-46.
Antonio G. Estudillo
Estudillo, Antonio G. and Yuleinys A. Castillo. Review of Revisiting Education in the New Latino Diaspora by Edmund Hamann, Stanton Wortham, Jr, Enrique G. Murillo (Eds.) Teachers College Record. January 12, 2016.
John E Henning
Henning, J.E., Erb, D., Randles, H.S., Shoener, H. Fults, N., & Webb, K.Henning, J.E., Erb, D., Randles, H.S., Shoener, H. Fults, N., & Webb, K. 2016. Designing a curriculum for clinical experiences. Issues in Teacher Education 25(1): 23-38.
RoseAnn LaBrocca
LaBrocca, RoseAnn and Lesley Mandel Morrow. 2016. "Embedding Vocabulary Instruction into the Art Experience." The Reading Teacher 70 (2): 149-158.
Lilly Steiner
Cassano, C.M. and Steiner, L., 2016. Exploring Assessment Demands and Task Supports in Early Childhood Phonological Awareness Assessments. Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice, 65(1): 217-235.
Chiu-Yin Wong
Wong, Chiu-Yin, John Indiatsi, and Gary K. W. Wong. 2016. "ESL Teacher Candidates' Perceptions Of Strengths And Inadequacies Of Instructing Culturally And Linguistically Diverse Students: Post Clinical Experience." Journal of Cultural Diversity 23 (2): 57-64.
Wong, C. and C. Moran. 2016. "The Effect of Task-based Instruction on the Acquisition of Content and Academic Language. TESL Reporter, 49(2): 1-17.
Andreas C. Christofi
Christofi, Andreas C., Peter Harris, Ioannis N. Kallianotis, John Malindretos, and Moschos Scoullis. 2016. "Stock Picking Techniques: The Practice of Applied Money Managers." Journal of Business & Economics Research (Online) 14 (1): 1-6.
Tina Paone
Malott, K. M., & Paone, T. R., eds. 2016. Group activities for Latino/a youth: Strengthening identities and resiliencies through counseling. New York, NY: Routledge.
Pulliam, N., Sasso, P.A., Paone, T. R. & Maldonado, J. 2016. Reducing Systemic Racism: Movements Toward Change in Higher Education. In RIP Jim Crow: Fighting Racism through Higher Education Policy, ed., R. Stead, 129-148. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
Alyson Pompeo-Fargnoli
Pompeo-Fargnoli, Alyson. 2016. Reflections on the Stanford University Sexual Assault Case. North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (NARACES) Newsletter, Summer, 2016.
Jose Maldondo
Maldonado, Jose. Sasso, Pietro. 2016. "Latino/a Youth and Healthy Relationships. In Group Activities for Latino/a Youth, edited by Krista Malott and Tina Paone. New York: Routledge
Pietro Sasso
Maldonado, Jose. M. and Sasso, Pietro. 2016. "Latino/a Youth and Healthy Relationships. In Group Activities for Latino/a Youth, edited by Krista Malott and Tina Paone. New York: Routledge.
Heide Estes
Estes, Heide. 2016. Reading Ælfric in the Twelfth Century: Anti-Judaic Doctrine Becomes Anti-Judaic Rhetoric.In Imagining the Jew in Anglo-Saxon Literature and Culture, ed. Samantha Zacher, 265-297 Toronto: University of Toronto Press
Estes, Heide. 2016. Review of The Forest in Medieval German Literature: Ecocritical Readings from a Historical Perspective (Ecocritical Theory and Practice) by Albrecht Classen. Speculum 91 (4): 1088.
Mihaela Moscaliuc
Moscaliuc, Mihaela, ed. 2016. Insane Devotion: On the Writing of Gerald Stern. San Antonio, TX: Trinity University Press.
Moscaliuc, Mihaela. 2016. Rage and Radical Empathy. In Insane Devotion: On the Writing of Gerald Stern, ed. Mihaela Moscaliuc, San Antonio, TX: Trinity University Press.
Moscaliuc, Mihaela. 2016. Borders, Borderlands and Romani Identity in Colum McCann’s Zoli. In The Novel in Europe, ed. Andrew Hammond, 161-176. London: Palgrave.
Michael Waters
Waters, Michael. 2016. Celestial Joyride. Rochester, NY: BOA Editions.
Waters, Michael. 2016. Duchamp. The Massachusetts Review, 57(3), 419-419,569."
Waters, Michael. 2016. "Zeus, Cyclops, Plato, Gaia . ." The Massachusetts Review 57 (3): 420-420,569.
Waters, Michael. 2016. Gerald Stern's, "Gorgeous Retrieval." In Insane Devotion: On the Writing of Gerald Stern, ed. Mihaela Moscaliuc, 14-18. San Antonio, TX: Trinity University Press.
Courtney L. Werner
Werner, Courtney L. and Nicole I. Caswell. 2016. "Captain Discourse and Other Heroes: Learning about Writing Research through Comic Books." In Twenty Writing Assignments in Context: An Instructor's Resource for the Composition Classroom, eds., Karmja Waltonen and Melissa Bende, 244-256. USA: McFarland.
Kenneth Womack
Womack, Kenneth. 2016. The Beatles Encyclopedia: Everything Fab Four, Abridged 2nd ed. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood Press.
Trumpbour, Robert C. and Kenneth Womack. 2016. The Eighth Wonder of the World: The Life of Houston's Iconic Astrodome. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
Womack, Kenneth and Katie Kapurch, eds. 2016. New Critical Perspectives on the Beatles: Things We Said Today. New York: Palgrave/Macmillan.
Womack, Kenneth and James M. Decker, eds. 2016. Victorian Literary Cultures: Studies in Textual Subversion. Cranbury, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Womack, Kenneth. 2016. "Introduction: Making It New with the Beatles". In New Critical Perspectives on the Beatles: Things We Said Today, eds. Kenneth Womack and Katie Kapurch, 1-10. New York: Palgrave/Macmillan.
Womack, Kenneth. 2016. "Sir George Martin, 1926–2016." Popular Music & Society, 39(4): 465-467.
Andrea Hope
Hope, Andrea. 2016. A Survivor's Perspective on the Power of Exercise Following a Cancer Diagnosis. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing 20 (6): 31. doi:10.1188/16.CJON.S2.31-32.
James F. Konopack
Konopack, James F. 2016. "Resistance Training: Recommendations for Age-relevant Benefits." Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics: Optimizing Physical Activity and Functions Across Settings, eds., Barbara Resnick and Marie Boltz, 193-204. New York: Springer Publishing.
Jaime L. Myers
Vandeweerd, Carla, Jaime Myers, Martha Coulter, Ali Yalcin, and Jaime Corvin. 2016. Positives and Negatives of Online Dating According to Women 50. Journal of Women & Aging 28 (3): 259-270.
Myers, Jaime L., Eric R. Buhi, Stephanie Marhefka, Ellen Daley, and Robert Dedrick. 2016. Associations between Individual and Relationship Characteristics and Genital Herpes Disclosure. Journal of Health Psychology 21 (10): 2283-2293.
Julius Adekunle
Adekunle, Julius and Apollos O. Nwauwa. 2016. Governance and Leadership in Nigeria Prospects and Challenges. Glassboro, NJ: Goldline and Jacobs.
Veronica Davidov
Davidov, Veronica. 2016. "Social Lives and Symbolic Capital: Indigenous 'Oil Lawsuits' as Sites of Order and Disorder Making." Social Analysis 60 (3): 57. doi:10.3167/sa.2016.600304.
George Gonzalez
Gonzalez, George. 2016. "Towards an Existential Archeology of Capitalist Spirituality." Religions 7(7): 85. doi: 10.3390/rel7070085.
Walter Greason
Julian Chambliss and Walter Greason, eds. 2016. Comics, Race, and Society (Web blog). African American Intellectual History Society,
Adam R. Heinrich
Heinrich, Adam R. 2016. Lenape Horticulturalists: Moving the 'Maize Debate' Forward in the Lower Delaware River Valley. Journal of Middle Atlantic Archaeology 32: 9-25.
Frederick L. McKitrick
McKitrick, Frederick, L. 2016. From Craftsmen to Captialists: German Artisans from the Third Reich to the Federal Republic, 1939-1953. New York: Berghahn Books.
Daniel Moran
Moran, Daniel. 2016. Creating Flannery O'Connor: Her Critics, Her Publishers, Her Readers. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Richard Veit
Lurie, Maxine N. and Richard Veit. 2016. Envisioning New Jersey: An Illustrated History of the Garden State. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press,
Melissa Ziobro
Ziobro, Melissa. 2016. COL William Blair. On Point: The Journal of Army History 22(2).
Ziobro, Melissa. 2016. The Navesink Military Reservation. On Point: The Journal of Army History 21(4).
Ziobro, Melissa. 2016. Review of Paul D. Walker’s, Adolphus Washington Greely: A Man of Indomitable Courage. On Point: The Journal of Army History 21(3).
Ziobro, Melissa. 2016. Military Bases. In The Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia, ed. Charlene Mires.
Ziobro, Melissa. 2016. Organizational Heritage: Monmouth Memories Oral History. OHMAR: Oral History in the Mid-Atlantic Region Blog.
Eleonora Dubicki
Beric-Stojšic, Bojana and Eleonora Dubicki. 2016. "Guiding Students' Learning with LibGuides as an Interactive Teaching Tool in Health Promotion." Pedagogy in Health Promotion 2(2): 144-148.
George Germek
Germek, George P. 2016 "Starting almost from scratch: Developing special collections as a teaching tool in the small academic library." College & Undergraduate Libraries 23(4): 400-413.
Felix E. De Jesus
De Jesus, Felix E. 2016. "Planning the Economic Future of Puerto Rico." Caribbean Business/Latin Media House 2(46): 16. November 24.
Joseph McManus
McManus, Joseph J. 2016. Hubris and Unethical Decision Making: The Tragedy of the Uncommon. Journal of Business Ethics. doi: 10.1007/s10551-016-3087-9
Joseph Mosca
Rosenberg, Stuart and Joseph Mosca. 2016. "Risk Management in College Fraternities: Guidance from Two Faculty Advisors." Contemporary Issues in Education Research (Online) 9 (1): 7.
Roy Nersesian
Nersesian, Roy. 2016. Energy Economics: Markets, History and Policy. New York: Routledge.
Strang, Kenneth David and Roy Nersesian. 2016. "Quantifying the Uncertainty of Energy Creation from Solar and Wind Farms in Different Locations." International Journal of Risk and Contingency Management (IJRCM) 5 (2): 13-46. doi:10.4018/IJRCM.2016040102.
Guy Oakes
Oakes, Guy. 2016. Anthem Companion to C. Wright Mills. New York: Anthem Press.
Stuart Rosenberg
Rosenberg, Stuart and Joseph Mosca. 2016. "Risk Management in College Fraternities: Guidance from Two Faculty Advisors." Contemporary Issues in Education Research (Online) 9 (1): 7.
Charles Willow
Willow, Charles. 2016. Management Information Systems: Techno-Economic-Management Perspectives. San Diego, CA: Cognella.
David P. Paul III
Paul, David P. III. 2016. “Testosterone Treatment: Fountain of Youth or La Brea Tar Pit?” In Proceedings of the 2016 Business and Health Administration Association, ed., Jean Sanchez, 68-79.
Paul, David P., III, Stacy Ashworth, Leslie Salyers, Sarah Saldanha and Alberto Coustasse. 2016. “Evaluation of Glucose Monitoring Technologies for Cost Effective and Quality Control/Management of Diabetes,” In Proceedings of the 2016 Business and Health Administration Association, ed., Jean Sanchez, 139-147.
Paul, David P. III, Tyler Godby, Sarah Saldanha, Jazmine Valle and Alberto Coustasse. 2016. “Quality of Care and Profitability in Not-For-Profit Versus for Profit Nursing Homes." In Proceedings of the 2016 Business and Health Administration Association, ed., Jean Sanchez, 90-97.
Holstein, Russell M. and David P. Paul, III. 2016. “Obtaining an Appointment with a Psychiatrist or Psychologist in New Jersey: Patients with Insurance Go to the End of the Line.” In Academy of Business Research Spring 2016 New Orleans Spring Conference Proceedings, ed. Randall Valentine, 58.
Paul, David P. III, Sarah Clemente, Ronald McGrady, Rob Repass and Alberto Coustasse. 2016. “Medicare and the ACA: Shifting the Paradigm of Fraud Detection.” In Academy of Business Research 2016 Atlantic City Fall Conference Proceedings, ed., Meredith Wilson, 32.
Paul, David P., III, Taeko Matsumoto, Alberto Coustasse-Hencke, Lama Mohammed Bakhamis and Mary Lynn Harshbarger. 2016. “Continuing Development of an All Payer Health Care System in Maryland.” In 2016 Conference Proceedings, Northeast Business & Economics Association, ed. Jennifer Hom, 227-231.
Paul, David P., III, Keerthi Gochipathala, Alberto Coustasse-Hencke, Bezawit Wodajo and Niharika Bhardwaj. 2016. “Mobile Health Interventions for Adult Obesity in the United States: Analysis of Effectiveness and Efficacy.” In 2016 Conference Proceedings, Northeast Business & Economics Association, ed. Jennifer Hom, 227-231.
Paul, David P. III and Michaeline Skiba. 2016. “Concierge Medicine: A Viable Business Model for (Some) Physicians of the Future?” The Health Care Manager 35(1): 3-8.
Kisling-Rundgren, Amy, David P. Paul III, and Alberto Coustasse. 2016. “Costs, Staffing and Services of Assisted Living in the United States: A Literature Revue,” The Health Care Manager 35(2): 156-163.
Borelli, Marisa, David P. Paul, III, and Michaeline Skiba. 2016. “Renal Dialysis and Its Financing.” Hospital Topics 94(2): 33-38.
Joseph Rocereto
Puzakova, Marina, Hyokjin Kwak, Suresh Ramanathan, and Joseph F. Rocereto. 2016. "Painting Your Point: The Role of Color in Firms' Strategic Responses to Product Failures via Advertising and Marketing Communications." Journal Of Advertising 45, no. 4: 365-376
Michaeline Skiba
Skiba, Michaeline. 2016. "Barefoot, Pregnant and (Not very) Happy: Management and Healthcare Reasons for Paid Parental Leave in the U.S." The Journal of Business Diversity 16 (1): 115-123.
Micah Chrisman
Chrisman, M. W. 2016. "On the Combinatorics of Smoothing." Journal of Mathematical Sciences 214 (5): 609-631. doi:10.1007/s10958-016-2802-5.
Joseph Coyle
Coyle, Joe, and Nilima Nigam. 2016, "High-order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for a class of transport equations with structured populations." Computers & Mathematics with Applications 72(3): 768-784.
Cheryl Leiningen
Manzetti, Colleen, and Cheryl Leiningen. 2016. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Population; Ensuring Cultural Competency for the Transgender Population when Developing a Life Care Plan. Journal of Life Care Planning 14(3): 3-9.
Corey Lee Wrenn
Wrenn, Corey Lee. 2016. "An Analysis of Diversity in Nonhuman Animal Rights Media." Journal for Agricultural and Environmental Ethics.
Wrenn, Corey Lee and Megan Lutz. 2016. "White Women Wanted? an Analysis of Gender Diversity in Social Justice Magazines." Societies 6 (2): 12.
Alan Cavaiola
Cavaiola, A.A., Dolan, D. 2016. Considerations in Civil Commitment of Individuals with Substance Use Disorders. Substance Abuse, 37 (1): 181-187.
Megan E. Delaney
Delaney, Megan E. 2016. Grant Writing for the Counseling Professional. Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision 8(3).
Delaney, Megan E. 2016. Gender Identity Development. In Counseling Women Across the Lifespan: Empowerment, Advocacy, and Intervention, edited by Jill Schwarz, 79-94. New York: Springer.
Sarah I. Springer
Springer, Sarah I. 2016. When Values Blur the Lines: Navigating an Ethical Dilemma in School Counseling. Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision 8 (2). doi:
Springer, Sarah I. 2016. Examining Predictors of Group Leader Self-Effacacy for Preservice School Counselors. Journal for Specialists in Group Work 41(4):286-311.
Cinotti, Daniel and Sarah Il Springer. 2016. Examining the Impact of Non-Counseling Supervisors on School Counselor Self-Efficacy. Vistas, Article 71.
Pennamon, Rodney, Lauren J. Moss, and Sarah I. Springer. 2016. Scholarly Writing Groups: A Source of Support for Early Career Counseling Faculty and Doctoral Students. Vistas, Article 72.
Springer, Sarah I. 2016. Small Groups in the Schools. In School Practicum and Internship: 30 Essential Lessons, ed. Helen Hamlet, 230-273. Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
Natalie Ciarocco
Ciarocco, N.J., Dinella, L.M., Hatchard, C.J., Valosin, J. Integrating Professional Development Across the Curriculum: An Effectiveness Study (2016) Teaching of Psychology, 43 (2): 91-98.
Kristin Coppola
Coppola, K.M., Strohmetz, D.B. 2016. Teaching end-of-life decision-making “Newlywed style”. Death Studies, 40 (3): 147-153.
Lisa Dinella
Ciarocco, N.J., Dinella, L.M., Hatchard, C.J., Valosin, J. 2016. Integrating Professional Development Across the Curriculum: An Effectiveness Study. Teaching of Psychology, 43 (2): 91-98.
Dinella, Lisa M., Erica S. Weisgram, and Megan Fulcher. 2016. "Children’s Gender-Typed Toy Interests: Does Propulsion Matter?" Archives of Sexual Behavior. doi:10.1007/s10508-016-0901-5.
Christine Hatchard
Ciarocco, N.J., Dinella, L.M., Hatchard, C.J., Valosin, J. Integrating Professional Development Across the Curriculum: An Effectiveness Study (2016) Teaching of Psychology, 43 (2): 91-98.
Robyn M. Holmes
Kohm, K., Holmes, R., Romeo, L., & Kollidge, L. (2016). The connection between shared storybook readings, children's imagination, social interactions, affect, prosocial behavior, and social play. International Journal of Play, 5(2), 128 - 140.
Gary W. Lewandowski
Xu, X., G. W. Lewandowski, Jr., and A. Aron. 2016. The self-expansion model and optimal relationship development. In Positive Approaches to Optimal Relationship Development, C. Raymond Knee and Harry T. Reis, eds. 79-100. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lewandowski, G. W. Jr. April 12, 2016. It’s not all tears and loneliness: The positive side of breaking up. The Washington Post.
Lewandowski, G. W., Jr. 2016. How to choose a valentine, according to science.
David Strohmetz
Coppola, K.M., Strohmetz, D.B. 2016. Teaching end-of-life decision-making “Newlywed style”. Death Studies, 40 (3): 147-153.
Michele Van Volkom
Van Volkom, M., and Beaudoin, E. 2016. "The Effect of Birth Order and Sex on Perceptions of the Sibling Relationship Among College Students." College Student Journal 50: 347-354.
Michelle Scott
Scott, Michelle, Barry N. Feldman, and Maureen Underwood. 2016. Delivering Professional Development in Suicide Prevention. Pedagogy in Health Promotion 2 (4): 266-275.
Patrizia Bonaventura
Bonaventura, Patrizia and Paola Binetti. 2016. "Global Health Issues: United Nations Resolutions and Policies on Autism Spectrum Disorders.” In Lo Spettro Autistico, edited by Paola Binetti. Rome:
Elisabeth A. Mlawski
Mlawski, Elisabeth A. and Alexis Cattano*. 2016. "Examining Leader Behaviors of Kindergarten Students During Peer Learning." Journal of Academic Perspectives 2016(3).
Kathryn L. Servilio
Burke, Lisa, Wu-Ying Hsieh, Norma Lopez-Reyna and Kathryn Servilio, 2016, Fall. Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Social Studies Classrooms: Middle School Teacher Perceptions. Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals, 60-78.
Priscilla Gac-Artigas
Gac-Artigas, Priscilla. 2016. Presente y devenir de una lengua en expansión: supervivencia de la lengua española en los Estados Unidos. Glosas, 8(9): 26-34, edited by Silvia Betti.
Gac-Artigas, Priscilla. 2016. Morir para existir: la voz provocadora y rebelde de Pedro Lemebel, el anticronista. Textos Hibridos 5: 1-14