Monmouth University Authors

Publications of Monmouth University faculty organized by year of publication.


Nancy Uddin

Uddin, N., & Chakraborty, V. (2021). An investigation of the readability of sustainability reports. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, 19(1), 69-78.

Academic Success and Retention

Bea Rogers

Connelly, A., Pagano, S., Rogers, B., & Mulvaney, T.  (2022). Sense of belonging in higher education: Developing and measuring a sense of belonging across student programs. In A. El-Amin (Ed.), Implementing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in educational management practices (pp. 52-76). IGI Global.



James P. Mack & Dorothy E. Lobo

Soni, S., Parekh, M. Y., Jacob, J. A., Mack, J. P., & Lobo, D. E. (2021). Kumquat essential oil decreases proliferation and activates JNK signaling and apoptosis in HT-1080 fibrosarcoma cells. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 477(2), 445-453.

Kathryn Lionetti

Lionetti, K. A., & Townsend, H. (2022). Teaching microscopy remotely: Two engaging options. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 23(1). 

Jason Adolf and Keith Dunton

Stoeckle, M. Y., Adolf, J., Ausubel, J. H., Charlop-Powers, Z., Dunton, K. J., & Hinks, G. (2022). Current laboratory protocols for detecting fish species with environmental DNA optimize sensitivity and reproducibility, especially for more abundant populations. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 79(2), 403-412.

Jason Adolf

Adolf, J. E., Weisburg, J., Hanna, K., & Lohnes, V. (2022). Enterococcus exceedances related to environmental variability at new jersey ocean beaches. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195(1).

Adolf, J. E., Saldutti, K., Conlon, E., Ernst, E., Heddendorf, B., Shifren, S., & Schuster, R. (2022). Nitrogen-limited cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms in Deal Lake, New Jersey. Urban Naturalist, 9(57), 1-19.

Sean Sterrett

Haydt, N. T., Hocking, D. J., & Sterrett, S. (2022). Spatial capture–recapture derived turtle capture probabilities and densities in the Chesapeake and Ohio canal. Journal of Herpetology, 56(2).

Sterrett, S. C., Dubreuil, T. D., O'donnell, M. J., Brand, A., & Campbell grant, E. H. (2022). Testing assumptions in the use of PIT tags to study movement of plethodon salamanders. Journal of Herpetology, 56(2).

Sterett, S. C., Skorupa, A., Roy, A. H., Hazelton, P., Swartz, B., Nedeau, E., & Carmignani, J. (2022) Standard operating protocol for mark and recapture monitoring of brook floater in streams (Report No. FWS/CSS-142-2022). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Center for Student Success

Claude Taylor

GA's Giving Back: The benefits and challenges of graduate assistant first-gen student support

This interactive session will feature the experiences and reflections of a current graduate assistant with First to Fly: First Generation at Monmouth. First to Fly represents a set of student-centered campus initiatives and programs designed to offer academic, social, and personal support for Monmouth University students who identify as a first-generation.

Taylor, C., & Hoffman, A. (2022, March 2). GA's giving back: The benefits and challenges of graduate assistant first-gen student support [Presentation].  First-Generation Symposium, Glassboro, NJ, United States.

Chemistry and Physics

Davis Jose

Bryan, C., Thomas, L., Ajmera, R., & Jose, D. (2022). A biophysical analysis on the effect of ligands on fluorescently active g‐quadruplex structures. The FASEB Journal, 36(S1). 

Jose, D., Michael, M. M., Bentsen, C., Rosenblum, B., & Zelaya, A. (2022). A spectroscopic approach to unravel the local conformations of a g-quadruplex using cd-active fluorescent base analogues. Biochemistry, 61(23), 2720-2732.

Dmitri Kosenkov

Kosenkov, D. (2022). PyFREC 2.0: Software for excitation energy transfer modeling. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 43(19), 1320-1328. 

Datta V. Naik & Gregory A. Moehring 

Tadros, S. M., Mansour, M., Naik, D. V., & Moehring, G. A. (2022). Line shape analysis of dynamic NMR spectra for characterizing coordination sphere rearrangements at a chiral rhenium polyhydride complex. Journal of Visualized Experiments, (185).

Naik, D. V., & Moehring, G. A. (2022). Dynamic processes of rhenium polyhydride complexes. Molecules, 27(15), 5017.

Geetha, B., Petrou, A. L., Mansour, M., Tadros, S. M., Naik, D. V., & Moehring, G. A. (2022). Chiral amine ligands at rhenium(V) pentahydride complexes allow for characterization of an energetically accessible and reversible steric inversion of diastereotopic phosphorus atoms. Inorganica Chimica Acta, 531, 120741.

Tadros, S. M., Mansour, M., Naik, D. V., & Moehring, G. A. (2022, July 27). Line shape analysis of dynamic NMR spectra for characterizing coordination sphere rearrangements at a chiral rhenium polyhydride complex [Video]. Jove.

Nikita Burrows

Mooring, S. R., Burrows, N. L., & Gamage, S. (2022). Flipped classrooms in organic chemistry--a closer look at student reasoning through discourse analysis of a group activity. In N. Graulich & G. Shultz (Eds.), Student reasoning in organic chemistry (pp. 159-178). Royal Society of Chemistry.

Siddheswar "Sid" Chaudhuri

Chaudhuri, S. (2022). Electron tunneling energies of a quantum dot in a magnetic field. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 144, 115425.


Ilyong Jong

Jung, I. (2022). Single-proton torque generation of the bacterial flagellar motor. Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 81(12), 1294-1299.


Erin Fleming

Williams, H. (Producer), & Fleming, E. (Director). (2022). The great migration and Asbury Park: A mini-documentary [Film]. Monmouth University Production Services.

Marina Vujnovic

Vujnovic, M., & Foster, J. E. (2022). Higher education and disaster capitalism in the age of COVID-19. Palgrave Macmillan.

Amanda Stojanov

Stojanov, A. (2022). I am real. Abstract Art with New Media, Chongqing, China.

Criminal Justice

Brian Lockwood

Lockwood, B., Wyant, B. R., & Grunwald, H. E. (2021). Locating Litter: An Exploratory Multilevel Analysis of the Spatial Patterns of Litter in Philadelphia. Environment and Behavior, 53(6), 601–635.

Thomas Carey 

Carey, T. J., III, Contreras, G. W., & Gheith, A. M. (2022). Short study -abroad programs for emergency and disaster management curricula: Strategies for implementation. Journal of Security, Intelligence, and Resilience Education, 13(3).

Carey, T. J. (2022). Applying client-based service-learning to emergency management curricula. In L. Velotti, R. M. Brenner, & E. A. Dunn (Eds.), Service-learning for disaster resilience: Partnerships for social good. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.


Curriculum and Instruction

Lilly Steiner & Kerry Carley-Rizzuto

Steiner, L. M., Hindin, A., & Rizzuto, K. C. (2022). Developing children's literacy learning through skillful parent–child shared book readings. Early Childhood Education Journal50(4), 539-553. 

Chiu-Yin (Cathy) Wong

Wong, C. Y., Pompeo-Fargnoli, A., & Harriott, W. (2022). Focusing on ESOL teachers’ well-being during COVID-19 and beyond. ELT Journal76(1), 1-10.

Wong, C. Y. C., & Turkan, S. (2022). “No one knows who I am”: What school leaders can learn from ESL teachers’ voices. NYS TESOL Journal9(1), 30-38.

Wong, C.-Y. (2022). "ESL teachers are looked down upon": Understanding the lived experience of a first-year ESL teacher with culturally and linguistically diverse background. Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 12(1).

Chiu-Yin (Cathy) Wong & Jason Fitzgerald

Wong, C.-Y., & Fitzgerald, J. C. (2022). Lessons learned from educators of English as a second language in the U.S. during covid-19: Providing inclusive space for all educators. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 1-15.

Nicole Trainor

Villarreal, A., Trainor, N., & Greason, W. (2022).  Student ambassador program. In Y. Medina & M. Machado-Casas (Eds.), Encyclopedia of critical understandings of Latinx and global education. Brill.

Vecihi Zambak

Magiera, M. T., Zambak, V. S., & Park, H. (2022). Supporting pre-service teachers' argumentation-focused visions of mathematics teaching and learning in a teacher preparation program. In O. Kartal, G. Popovic, & S. Morrissey (Eds.), Global perspectives and practices for reform-based mathematics teaching (pp. 161-183). IGI Global.

Economics, Finance and Real Estate

Tjeerd Boonman

Boonman, T., Litsios, I., Pilbeam, K., & Pouliot, W. (2022). Modelling the trade balance between the northern and southern eurozone using an intertemporal approach. Journal of International Money and Finance121.

Beckmann, J., & Boonman, T. M. (2022). Expectations, disagreement and exchange rate pressure. Economics Letters212. 


Eric Fesselmeyer

Fesselmeyer, E., Liu, H., & Salvo, A. (2021). Declining discount rates in Singapore's market for privately developed apartments. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 37(2), 330-350.


Robert Haywood Scott, III & Jonathan A. Daigle

Scott, R. H., III, & Daigle, J. (2022). Shoring up property tax assessment inequities in Monmouth county, New Jersey. Journal of Property Tax Assessment & Administration, 19(2), 71-86.

School of Education

Alex Romagnoli

Eckard, S., & Romagnoli, A. (Eds.). (2022). The human in superhuman: The power of the sidekick in popular culture. Lexington Books.

Educational Counseling and Leadership

Alyson Pompeo-Fargnoli

Santaniello, C.M., Lubniewski, K.L., Kamei, A., & Pompeo-Fargnoli, A. (2022). Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic: The mental health crisis for children and adolescents. Case Reports & Research Practices in Medicine, 2(2), 45-53.

Wong, C. Y., Pompeo-Fargnoli, A., & Harriott, W. (2022). Focusing on ESOL teachers' well-being during COVID-19 and beyond. ELT Journal76(1), 1-10.

Pompeo-Fargnoli, A., Fargnoli, A., & Weinstock, S. (2022). Long-term physical and mental health impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic: A case report. Case Reports & Research Practices in Medicine, 2(1), 27-30.

Pompeo-Fargnoli, A. (2021). Magic mirror on the wall: Counselor self-reflection as an ethical obligation. In S. Stewart-Spencer & C. Dean (Eds.), Metaphors in counselor education and supervision (1st. ed., pp. 106-112). Routledge.


Meghan Bradley

Lubniewski, K., Bradley, M., & Santaniello, C. M. (2022). The role of school counselors: What are their responsibilities according to teacher candidates and future administrators?  Journal of Education and Practice, 13(15), 80-91.

Tina R. Paone

Malott, K. M., Paone, T. R., Shannon, J., & Barr, J. J. (2021). From awareness to commitment and action: A longitudinal study of a race‐based counseling course. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 50(1), 35-43.

Tracy Mulvaney & Wendy Morales

Mulvaney, T. L., Lubniewski, K., & Morales, W. (2022). One University's experience placing teacher candidates in classrooms in the Cotswold region of England. In D. Polly & E. Garin (Eds.), Preparing quality teachers: Advances in clinical practice (pp. 667-684). Information Age Publishing.

Tracy Mulvaney

Henning, J. E., Mulvaney, T., Bragen, B. F., Jr., & George, W. O. (2022). Paid professional internships: Designing a curriculum for clinical experiences. In D. Polly & E. Garin (Eds.), Preparing quality teachers: Advances in clinical practice. Information Age Publishing.

Tracy Mulvaney

Tranchina, D., Terenfenko, C., & Mulvaney, T. (2022). Inducing long-term, positive behavior change: Leveraging student empowerment to effect long-term change. In Information Resources Management Association (Ed.), Research anthology on interventions in student behavior and misconduct (pp. 493-500). IGI Global.

Tracy Mulvaney

Connelly, A., Pagano, S., Rogers, B., & Mulvaney, T.  (2022). Sense of belonging in higher education: Developing and measuring a sense of belonging across student programs. In A. El-Amin (Ed.), Implementing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in educational management practices (pp. 52-76). IGI Global.

Brown, T. Y., Cornell, N., Tevlin, J. M., Williams, D., & Mulvaney, T. (2023). Inclusion, diversity, belonging, equity, and accessibility principles on college campuses: How faculty and staff can create a culture of empowerment for student success. In A. El-Amin (Ed.), Implementing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in educational management practices (pp. 202-215). IGI Global.

Maria Paradiso-Testa

Paradiso-Testa, M. (2022). The influence servant leadership has on emergent leaders in the field of education. In U. Thomas (Ed.), Cases on servant leadership and equity. Business Science Reference.

Lori Todd

Todd, L., Gatton, A., & Gatton, J. P. (2022). Let's talk: Enhancing relationships through casual conversation. Independently published.

William O. George III  & Wendy Morales

George, W. O., III, Morales, W. G., & George, J. (2022). Alfred Pennyworth, a superhero's mentor: Understanding effective mentorship through Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy. In S. Eckard & A. S. Romagnoli (Eds.), The human in superhuman: The power of the sidekick in popular culture. Lexington Books.


Ricky Tucker

Tucker, R. (2022). And the category is: Inside New York's vogue, house, and ballroom community. BEACON.

Amanda Connelly

Connelly, A. (2022). Sense of belonging in higher education: Developing and measuring a sense of belonging across student programs. In A. El-Amin (Ed.), Implementing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in educational management practices (pp. 52-76). IGI Global.

Lisa Vetere

Vetere, L. (2022). Horrors of the horticultural: Charles Brockden Brown's Wieland and the landscapes of the Anthropocene. In J. D. Edwards, R. Graulund, & J. Höglund (Eds.), Dark scenes from damaged earth: The gothic Anthropocene. University of Minnesota Press.

Alena Graedon

Graedon, A. (2022). The Gift. Southern Humanities Review, 55.2, 57-78.

Heide Estes

Estes, H., & Price, E. (2022, May). Medieval Ecocriticisms: Humans and Nature I. In 2022 International Congress on Medieval Studies. ICMS.

Estes, H., VanDonkelaar, I.S., & Warren, M.J. (2022) Medieval Ecocriticisms, 2(1).

Kristin Bluemel

Bluemel, K. (2022). Thomas Bewick and the women who loved him. Cherryburn Times, 8(1), 2-4.

Bluemel, K. (2022). [Review of the book Midcentury suspension: Literature and feeling in the wake of World War II, by Claire Seiler]. Modernism/modernity 29(4), 893-895.

Health and Physical Education

Jeremy Lackman

Hsu, S.-H., Chepyator-Thomson, J. R., Lackman, J., & Byron, K. (2022). Gendered preferences in selecting physical education activity skills courses: A study of a Taiwanese and a United States university. International Research in Higher Education, 7(1), 1-15.

Jaime Myers

Myers, J. L., & Sasso, P. A. (2022). Differences in Informal Alcohol Protective Behavior Strategies between Fraternity & Sorority Members. Oracle: The Research Journal of the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors16(02), 17-36.

Jennifer Weinberg

Harrison, M., Tran, D. N., Pena, A., Iyengar, S., Ahmed abubakar, A., Hoernke, K., John-akinola, Y. O., Kiplagat, S., Marconi, A. M., Vaghaiwalla, T. M., Kalbarczyk, A., & Weinberg, J. L. (2022). Strategies to improve women's leadership preparation for early career global health professionals: Suggestions from two working groups. Annals of Global Health, 88(1).

Weinberg, J. L., El-harakeh, A., Kiplagat, S., Abubakar, A. A., Iyengar, S., Marconi, A. M., Vaghaiwalla, T. M., Kalbarczyk, A., & Harrison, M. (2022). We aren't just 'Slack'ing off: Utilizing a digital tool to connect emerging women leaders in global health. Annals of Global Health, 88(1).

Hernandez, A. L., Weinberg, J. L., El-Harakeh, A., Adeyemi, L., Potharaj, N., Oomman, N., & Kalbarczyk, A. (2022). Connectedness is critical: A social network analysis to support emerging women leaders in global health. Annals of Global Health, 88(1).

Staci Drewson

Moosbrugger, M., Losee, T. M., González-Toro, C. M., Drewson, S. R., Stapleton, P. J., Ladda, S., & Cucina, I. (2022). Pre-Service teachers' perceptions and experiences implementing CATCH my breath. American Journal of Health Education, 54(1), 20-28.

History and Anthropology

Kenneth L. Campbell

Campbell, K. L. (2022). Philosophy of history. In Bloomsbury history theory and method. Bloomsbury.

Maryanne Rhett

Keown, B., & Rhett, M. (2022). Diana in no-man's land: Wonder Woman and the history of the World War. In D.L. Alexander, M. Goodrum, & P. Smith (Eds.), Drawing the Past, Volume 1: Comics and the Historical Imagination in the United States (pp. 47-64). University of Mississippi Press.

Rhett, M.A. (2022). Kamala Khan / Ms. Marvel, Islamic feminism, and a global dialogue. In B. Carr & M. Carstarphen (Eds.), Gendered defenders: Marvels heroines in transmedia spaces. Ohio State University Press.

Rhett, M. A. (2022). Humans and gods: Steve Trevor and Etta Candy navigating Wonder Woman's universe. In S. Eckard & A. S. Romagnoli (Eds.), The human in superhuman: The power of the sidekick in popular culture. Lexington Books.


Veronica Davidov

Davidov, V. (2022). Mixing oil and water: The shrimp–petroleum nexus in coastal Louisiana. Journal for the Anthropology of North America, 25(1), 26-44.

Hettie Williams

Williams, H. (Producer), & Fleming, E. (Director). (2022). The great migration and Asbury Park: A mini-documentary [Film]. Monmouth University Production Services.

Katherine Parkin

Parkin, K. (2022). The women's national abortion action coalition & The abortion tribunals, 1971–1972. Journal of Family History, 47(4), 367-400.

Geoffrey Fouad

Lee, T. M., Fouad, G., & Rains, K. (2022). Ranking the inundation potential of Palustrine Wetlands in the Northern Tampa Bay area. Tampa Bay Water.

Fouad, G., & Lee, T. (2022). Validation of an approach to predict discharge rates from small, depressional wetlands. In M. Ortega-Sánchez (Ed.), Proceedings of the 39th International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research World Congress (pp. 3909-3918).

Atina Knowles

Knowles, A. (2022). Heidegger's unlikely alliance with Locke in identifying truth and knowledge. Philosophia, 1-14.

Honors School

Nancy Mezey

Dillaway, H.E., &  Mezey, N. J. (2022). Families. In A. J. Treviño (Ed.), Investigating social problems (3rd ed.). SAGE Publications.

Management and Leadership

Mikhail M. Sher

Paz, M. T., Sher, M. M., McCullough, B. D., & Zarin, S. (2022). Estimating the effect of poker room promotions on player traffic. UNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal, 26(1), 45-58.

Joe Palazzolo & Michaeline Skiba

Palazzolo, J., & Skiba, M. (2022, September 26). Alumni panels teach skills that matter. AACSB. Retrieved April 3, 2023, from


Francis Valiquette

Bihlo, A., Jackaman, J., & Valiquette, F. (2021). Invariant variational schemes for ordinary differential equations. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 148(3), 991-1020.

Derek Tranchina

Tranchina, D., Terenfenko, C., & Mulvaney, T. (2022). Inducing long-term, positive behavior change: Leveraging student empowerment to effect long-term change. In Information Resources Management Association (Ed.), Research anthology on interventions in student behavior and misconduct (pp. 493-500). IGI Global.


Polina Amburg

Amburg, P., Thompson, R. A., Curtis, C. A., & Squires, A. (2022). Different countries and cultures, same language: How registered nurses and midwives can provide culturally humble care to Russian‐speaking immigrants. Research in Nursing & Health, 45(4), 405-409.


Sherry Greenberg

Aldossary, H., Bender, A., Foradori, M., Pohnert, A., Hughes, R., Greenberg, S., & Dolansky, M. (2022). Strategies to implement age-friendly care for older adults across convenient care clinics. Innovation in Aging, 6(Supplement_1), 66.

Greenberg, S., Adrian, S., & Twal, R. (2022). Infusion of age-friendly principles into curricula using interactive modules. Innovation in Aging, 6(Supplement_1), 34.

Sefcik, J., Panicker, A., Katsev, D., Na, A., Greenberg, S., & Dimaria-Ghalili, R. A. (2022). Outdoor physical activity among older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Innovation in Aging, 6(Supplement_1), 17-18.

Ferretti-Rebustini, R. E. de L., Souza-Talarico, J. N. de, Fhon, J. R. S., & Greenberg, S. A. (2022). The role of assessment in competence-based gerontological advanced practice nursing. Journal of School Nursing of the University of Sao Paolo, 56(spe).

Greenberg, S. A. (2023). Risk for adult falls; Risk for child falls. In M. B. F. Makic & M. R. Martinez-Kratz (Eds.), Ackley and Ladwig's nursing diagnosis handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care (13th ed., pp. 391-401). Elsevier.

Greenberg, S. (2022). Chronic illness and older adults. In M. M. Harding, J. Kwong, D. Hagler, & C. Reinisch (Eds.), Lewis's Medical-surgical nursing: Assessment and management of clinical problems (12th ed., pp. 63-80). Elsevier.

Colleen Manzetti and Erica Sciarra

Manzetti, C., & Sciarra, E. (2022). Introduction to the accreditation process for nurse educator students. Nurse Educator, 47(4), 251.

Political Science and Sociology

Rekha Datta

Datta, R. (2022). Between peaceful coexistence and realism: Understanding India's dilemma and nuanced position on Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Journal of Transdisciplinary Peace Praxis, 4(2), 106-132.

Datta, R. (2022). Class dismissed: Lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic for remote learning, equity, and public assistance for higher education in the United States. In C. R. Kumar, M. Mukherjee, T. Belousova, & N. Nair (Eds.), Global higher education during and beyond COVID-19: Perspectives and challenges (pp. 59-71). Springer.

Stephen Chapman

Branduse, D., & Chapman, S. J. (2022). Divergent electoral policy preferences in the United States: Causes, impacts, and potential solutions. Journal of Transdisciplinary Peace Praxis, 4(2), 85-105.

Saliba Sarsar

Beilin, Y., Husseini, H., & Sarsar, S. (2022). The Holy Land confederation as a facilitator for the two-state solution. Economic Cooperation Foundation.

Johanna E. Foster

Vujnovic, M., & Foster, J. E. (2022). Higher education and disaster capitalism in the age of COVID-19. Palgrave Macmillan.


Robyn M. Holmes

Holmes, R. M., & Hart, T.  (2022). Exploring the connection between adult playfulness and emotional intelligence. Journal of Play in Adulthood4(1), 28-51.

Holmes, R. M., Bant, C., & Kohm, K. (2022). Making connections between learning centres and children's play lives during the covid-19 pandemic. Early Child Development and Care, 192(16), 2600-2614.

Lisa Dinella

Dinella, L. M., Levinson, J. A., & Srouji, M. A. (2022). Can princesses be powerful? A quasi-experimental study examining children's perceptions of princesses and the self. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 1-22.

Lindsay Mehrkam

Mehrkam, L. (2022). Canine play and playgroups. In B. A. DiGangi, V. A. Cussen, P. J. Reid, & K. A. Collins (Eds.), Animal behavior for shelter veterinarians and staff (2nd ed., pp. 317-350). Wiley-Blackwell.

Social Work

Golam Mathbor

Fakhruddin, I. M., Pradhan, M. A. H., & Mathbor, G. M. (2022). Economic independence of Bangladesh: An empirical assessment. Journal of Economic Cooperation & Development43(1),  1-8, 10-30. 

Anne Deepak & Golam Mathbor

Deepak, A., & Mathbor, G. (2022). Climate change, environmental justice, and sustainable development in social work. In D. Madhanagopal & B. R. Nikku (Eds.), Social work and climate justice: International perspectives (pp. 39-54). Routledge.

Simone Snyder

Snyder, S., Burnham, J., Decristofano, A., Ast, R., Mcmahon, S., & Padovano, K. (2022). Rethinking violence prevention programming. Sexual Assault Report, 26(2), 17-31.

McMahon, S., Cusano, J., Buttner, C., Snyder, S., Ast, R. S., & Camerer, K. (2022). Evaluating efforts to address campus sexual violence: Developing a data ecosystem. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(23–24), NP23563–NP23586.

O'connor, J., Nikolova, K., Cardenas, I., & Snyder, S. (2022). The mediating effect of traditional gender beliefs on the relationship between gender disparities and intimate partner violence perpetration. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 1-18.


Special Education

Wendy Harriott

Wong, C. Y., Pompeo-Fargnoli, A., & Harriott, W. (2022). Focusing on ESOL teachers' well-being during COVID-19 and beyond. ELT Journal76(1), 1-10.

Kathryn Lubniewski

Lubniewski, K., Bradley, M., & Santaniello, C. M. (2022). The role of school counselors: What are their responsibilities according to teacher candidates and future administrators?  Journal of Education and Practice, 13(15), 80-91.

Santaniello, C.M., Lubniewski, K.L., Kamei, A., & Pompeo-Fargnoli, A. (2022). Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic: The mental health crisis for children and adolescents. Case Reports & Research Practices in Medicine, 2(2), 45-53.

Mulvaney, T. L., Lubniewski, K., & Morales, W. (2022). One University's experience placing teacher candidates in classrooms in the Cotswold region of England. In D. Polly & E. Garin (Eds.), Preparing quality teachers: Advances in clinical practice (pp. 667-684). Information Age Publishing.

Du, Y., Price, L., Liu, Y., Breslin, G., Thomson, P., Zingillioglu, A., & Lubniewski, K. (2022) From Mobile Apps to Voice Assistants: A Review of Case Studies During the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Conference for Media in Education, 1-5. 

Du, Y., Price, L., Cai, W., Circelli, N., & Lubniewski, K. (2022). From App Users to App Designers & Developers: Apps for Pediatric Speech-Language Therapy. International Conference for Media in Education, 1-7.  

Green, L., Lubniewski, K., & Kamei, A. (2022). [Review of the book Purposeful Teaching and Learning in Diverse Contexts: Implications for Access, Equity and Achievement, by D. Hucks, Y. Sealey-Ruiz, V. Showunmi, S. C. Carothers, & C. W. Lewis (Eds.).  Teachers College Record.

Ai Kamei

Santaniello, C.M., Lubniewski, K.L., Kamei, A., & Pompeo-Fargnoli, A. (2022). Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic: The mental health crisis for children and adolescents. Case Reports & Research Practices in Medicine, 2(2), 45-53.

Green, L., Lubniewski, K., & Kamei, A. (2022). [Review of the book Purposeful Teaching and Learning in Diverse Contexts: Implications for Access, Equity and Achievement, by D. Hucks, Y. Sealey-Ruiz, V. Showunmi, S. C. Carothers, & C. W. Lewis (Eds.).  Teachers College Record.

Danielle Frith

Boyle, J. R., Frith, D. M., & Joyce, R. L. (2022). Using JIGSAW to complete the note-taking puzzle. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 0(0).

Mary Haspel, Carol McArthur-Amadeo, Stacy Lauderdale-Littin, Kathryn Lubnieski, Wendy Harriot, and Ai Kamei

Haspel, M., McArthur-Amadeo, C., Lauderdale-Littin, S., Lubnieski, K., Harriot, W., & Kamei, A. (2022). Exploring remote IEP instructional resources identified by state education agencies during covid-19. Technology, Innovation and Special Education Research, 2(2), 96-120.

Speech-Language Pathology

Kathleen Scott

Bangert, K., Scott, K. S., Adams, C., Kisenwether, J. S., Giuffre, L., Reed, J., Thurman, A. J., Abbeduto, L., & Klusek, J. (2022). Cluttering in the speech of young men with fragile X syndrome. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 65(3), 954-969.

Meza, S., & Scott, K. S. (2022). A conversation with three cluttering community leaders: A preliminary sampling of perspectives. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 1-10.

Scott, K. S. (2022). Cluttering in a school-aged child: Tackling the challenges step by step. Seminars in Speech and Language, 43(2), 130-146.

Scott, K. S., Gurtizen, E., Giacumbo, K., & Kisenwether, J. (2022). A perceptual study of communication effectiveness in cluttering. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 1-10.

Patrick R. Walden

Walden, P. R., & Rau, S. (2022). Individual voice dimensions' prediction of overall dysphonia severity on two auditory-perceptual scales. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 65(8), 2759-2777.

World Languages and Cultures

Angello Villarreal

Villarreal, A. (2022, February). Culturally and linguistically responsive teaching in our classrooms. NJEA Review, 47.

Villarreal, A., Trainor, N., & Greason, W. (2022).  Student ambassador program. In Y. Medina & M. Machado-Casas (Eds.), Encyclopedia of critical understandings of Latinx and global education. Brill.


Luis Mora-Ballesteros

Mora-Ballesteros, L. (2022). Prácticas críticas: Apuntes sobre literaturas urbanas del Caribe hispánico. Universidad De Los Andes.

Mora-Ballesteros, L. (2022). La sombra del comandante. Amazon Digital Services.

Priscilla Gac-Artigas

Gac-Artigas, P. (2022). About "collectfiction" and literary translation. Trans Latino. Retrieved January 20, 2023, from

Gac-Artigas, P. (2022). Colectficción: Sobrepasando los límites de la autoficción. Iberoamericana.

Gac-Artigas, G. (2022). hombre de américa: man of the americas (A. G. Labinger & P. Gac-Artigas, Trans.). Nueva York Poetry Press.