Monmouth University Authors

Publications of Monmouth University faculty organized by year of publication.

2018 & 2019 MU Authors

Kristin Bluemel

Kevin Dooley

Rose Knapp

Judy LoBianco

John Morano

Saliba Sarsar

Kathleen Scaler Scott

Christy A. Schmidt

Edwin Ross Torres

Michael Waters

Kenneth Womack


Xudong (Daniel) Li

Li, Xudong, and Ying Guo. 2018. Abnormal Audit Fees and Earnings Management Using Classification Shifting. Journal of Accounting and Finance 18 (5): 113-39.

Li, Xudong, and Lili Sun. 2018. Big N Auditor Concentration and Investment Decisions. 2018 Auditing Section Midyear Conference, Portland, OR, January 11-13, 2018.

Art and Design

Corey Dzenko

Dzenko, Corey, and Theresa Avila. 2018. Contemporary Citizenship, Art, and Visual Culture: Making and Being Made. New York: Routledge.

Jing Zhou

Zhou, Jing. 2018. Bridges Among Visualization, Aesthetics, and Technology. In Visual Approaches to Cognitive Education with Technology Integration, edited by Anna Ursyn, 101-120. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Zhou, Jing. 2018. Through the Aleph: A Glimpse of the World in Real Time. In Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Electronic Art, 361-364, Rufus Adebayo, Ismail Farouk, Steve Jones, Maleshoane Rapeane-Mathonsi, editors.


Giovanna Bonadonna

De Gregorio, Chiara, Anna Zanoli, Daria Valente, Valeria Torti, Giovanna Bonadonna, Rose Marie Randrianarison, Cristina Giacoma, and Marco Gamba. 2018. Female Indris Determine the Rhythmic Structure of the Song and Sustain a Higher Cost when the Chorus Size Increases. Current Zoology 65 (1): 89-97.


Fox, Adam G., Edward S. Stowe, Keith J. Dunton, and Douglas L. Peterson. 2018. "Seasonal Occurrence of Atlantic Sturgeon (Acipenser Oxyrinchus Oxyrinchus) in the St. Johns River, Florida." Fishery Bulletin (Washington, D.C.) 116 (3): 219-227.

Megan Phifer-Rixey

Mack, Katya L., Mallory A. Ballinger, Megan Phifer-Rixey, and Michael W. Nachman. 2018. Gene Regulation Underlies Environmental Adaptation in House Mice. Genome Research 28 (11): 1636-45.

Moeller, Andrew H., Taichi A. Suzuki, Megan Phifer-Rixey, and Michael W. Nachman. 2018. Transmission Modes of the Mammalian Gut Microbiota. Science 362 (6413): 453-7.

Phifer-Rixey, Megan, Ke Bi, Kathleen G. Ferris, Michael J. Sheehan, Dana Lin, Katya L. Mack, Sara M. Keeble, Taichi A. Suzuki, Jeffrey M. Good, and Michael W. Nachman. 2018. The Genomic Basis of Environmental Adaptation in House Mice. PLoS Genetics 14 (9): 1-28.

Dennis Rhoads

Popkin, Shayna, Alex Nanchanatt, Madelyn I. Mauterer, and Dennis E. Rhoads. 2018. Co-Administration of Amphetamine with Alcohol Results in Decreased Alcohol Withdrawal Severity in Adolescent Rats. Behavioural Pharmacology 29 (6): 547-550.

John Tiedemann

Tiedemann, John. 2018, November. The BOFFFF Principle: Do Bigger Stripers Make Better Spawners?: Big, Old, Fat, Fecund, Female Fish! The Fisherman: New Jersey and Delaware Bay Edition: 6-8.

Chemistry and Physics

Datta V. Naik

Moliver, Donald and Datta Naik. 2018. "The Effect of High-Voltage Overhead Transmission Lines on Property Values: A Review of the Literature since 2010." The Appraisal Journal 86 (1): 87.


John Morano

Morano, John. 2018. Out There, Somewhere. Katy, TX: Grey Gecko Press.

Michael Phillips-Anderson

Phillips-Anderson, Michael, and Noemi Marin. 2018. : Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca’s "Le Comique du Discours": Humour and Argument as Rhetorical. In Argumentation and Inference: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Argumentation, 341-359, Steve Oslwad and Didier Maillat, editors.

Christy A. Schmidt

Schmidt, Christy A. 2018. No Words. New Jersey: Ansuz, LLC.

Schmidt, Christy A. 2018. Color My World. New Jersey: Ansuz, LLC.

Schmidt, Christy A. 2018. NJ Pet Parenting. New Jersey: Ansuz, LLC.

Schmidt, Christy A. 2018. Talk It Out: Mastering Critical Discourse. Dubuque, IA: Great River Learning.

Computer Science and Software Engineering

Edwin Ross Torres

Torres, Edwin Ross. 2018. The Super Simple Programming Book: Learn Basic Programming Concepts with Python. Kindle Direct Publishing.

Cui Yu

Yu, Cui. 2018. Social Networking without Sacrificing Privacy. IEEE International Conference on System Science and Engineering, New Taipei City, Taiwan, June 28-30, 2018.

Ginsberg, Avi and Cui Yu. 2018. Rapid Homoglyph Prediction and Detection. First International Conference on Data Intelligence and Security, South Padre Island, Texas, April 8-10, 2018.

Ling Zheng

Liu, Hao, Ling Zheng, Yehoshua Perl, James Geller, and Gai Elhanan. 2018. Can a Convolutional Neural Network Support Auditing of NCI Thesaurus Neoplasm Concepts? In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Biological Ontology (ICBO 2018).

Liu, Hao, Ling Chen, Ling Zheng, Yehoshua Perl, James Geller. 2018. A Quality Assurance Methodology for ChEBI Ontology Focusing on Uncommonly Modeled Concepts. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Biological Ontology (ICBO 2018).

Zheng, LIng. Yan Chen, Yehoshua Perl, Michael Halper, James Geller, and Sherri de Coronado. Quality Assurance of Concept Roles in the National Cancer Institute Thesaurus. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2001-2008.

Zheng, Ling, Hao Liu, Yehoshua Perl, James Geller, Christopher Ochs, James T Case. 2018. Overlapping Complex Concepts Have More Commission Errors, Especially in Intensive Terminology Auditing. In AMIA 2018 Annual Symposium Proceedings, 1157-1166.

Criminal Justice

John Comiskey

Comiskey, John. 2018. Theory for Homeland Security. Journal of Homeland Security Education 7: 29-45.

Brian Lockwood

Wyant, Brian R. and Brian Lockwood. 2018. Transformative Learning, Higher Order Thinking, and the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program. Journal of Correctional Education 69 (3): 49-67.

Marie Mele

Mele, Marie. 2018. Police response to domestic violence: The influence of extralegal factors on arrest decisions. Partner Abuse 9 (3): 215-29.

Curriculum and Instruction

Judith A. Bazler

Van Sickle, Meta L., Julie D. Swanson, Judith A. Bazler, and Kathryn L. Lubniewski. 2018. Identifying, Describing, and Developing Teachers Who Are Gifted and Talented. Hersey, PA: IGI Publishing.

Romagnoli, Alex, Judith A. Bazler, and Letitia Graybill. 2018. Getting the Dialog Started: A Conversation with Educators of GATE Teachers. In  Identifying, Describing, and Developing Teachers Who Are Gifted and Talented, edited by Meta L. Van Sickle, Julie D. Swanson, Judith A. Bazler, and Kathryn L. LubniewskiHersey, PA: IGI Publishing. 

Bazler, Judith. A. 2018. The Assets and Challenges of Using Adobe Connect in a College Classroom. INTED2018 Proceedings, 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference Valencia, Spain. 5-7 March, 2018.

Romagnoli, Alex, Judith A. Bazler, and Meta Van Sickle. 2018. Science Education and the Graphic Novel Connection: Pre-Service Teachers and the Creation of Graphic Novelettes. Science Education 26(2): 73-80.

Antonio G. Estudillo

Flores, Griselda, and Antonio G. Estudillo. 2018. Effects of a Peer-To-Peer Mentoring Program: Supporting first-Year College Students' Academic and Social Integration on Campus. Journal of Human Services: Training, Research, and Practice 3(2).

Estudillo, Antonio G., Griselda Flores, José Miguel Maldonado, and Samantha Bartek*. 2018. Latina/o-Serving Institutions. In The Dynamic Student Development Meta-Theory: A New Model for Student Success, edited by Frederick, Mark, Pietro A. Sasso, and José Miguel Maldonado, 343-356. New York: Peter Lang, Inc.

Hernández, Ebelia, and Antonio G. Estudillo. 2018. The College Choice Process for High-Achieving Latinas. In New Directions: Assessment and Preparation of Hispanic College Students, edited by Alfredo G. de los Santos, Jr., Laura I. Rendón, Gary Francisco Keller, Alberto Acereda, Estela Mara Bensimón, and Richard J. Tannenbaum, 141-158. Arizona: Bilingual Press.

Letitia Graybill

Bazler, Judith A., Letitia Graybill, Alex Romagnoli. 2018. Getting the Dialogue Started: A Conversation With Educators on GATE Teachers. In Identifying, Describing, and Developing Teachers Who Are Gifted and Talented, edited by Meta L. Van Sickle, Julie D. Swanson, Judith A. Bazler, and Kathryn L. Lubniewski, 12-21. Hersey, PA: IGI Publishing.

Judy LoBianco

Greenberg, Jayne D. and Judy LoBianco. 2018. Organization and Administration of Physical Education. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Alex Romagnoli

Bazler, Judith A., Letitia Graybill, Alex Romagnoli. 2018. Getting the Dialogue Started: A Conversation With Educators on GATE Teachers. In Identifying, Describing, and Developing Teachers Who Are Gifted and Talented, edited by Meta L. Van Sickle, Julie D. Swanson, Judith A. Bazler, and Kathryn L. Lubniewski, 12-21. Hersey, PA: IGI Publishing.

Romagnoli, Alex, Judith A. Bazler, and Meta Van Sickle. 2018. Science Education and the Graphic Novel Connection: Pre-Service Teachers and the Creation of Graphic Novelettes. Science Education 26(2): 73-80.

Chiu-Yin Wong

Wong, Chiu-Yin, and Wendy A. Harriott. 2018. Jen's Story: How Being Gifted and Talented Affects a Teacher. In Identifying, Describing, and Developing Teachers Who Are Gifted and Talented, edited by Meta L. Van Sickle, Julie D. Swanson, Judith A. Bazler, and Kathryn L. Lubniewski, 123-133. Hersey, PA: IGI Publishing.

Kim, Jiwon, Chiu-Yin Wong, and Yongjin Lee. 2018. Transformative Learning through an Online Global Class Project in Teacher Education. Teacher Educator, 53(2): 190-207.

Vecihi S. Zambak

Zambak, Vecihi S. and Marta T. Magiera. 2018. Pre-service K-8 Teachers’ Professional Noticing and Strategy Evaluation Skills: An Exploratory Study. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 14(11): 1-19.

Zambak, Vecihi S. 2018, June. Early Career Participant Perspectives: Technological Innovations for Mathematics Teacher Preparation. CADRE Newsletter, Special DRK-12 PI Meeting Issue,

Magiera, M. T., & Zambak, V. S. 2018. Noticing Student Generalizations and Justifications: Does Task Context Matter? In Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 5, p. 106), edited by E. Bergqvist, M., Österholm, C. Granberg, & L. Sumpter. Umeå, Sweden: PME.

Economics, Finance and Real Estate

Educational Counseling and Leadership

William T. Smith

Cram, Henry G., William T. Smith, and Bernard F. Bragen. 2018, Spring. Moving Beyond State and Federal Accountability to Real School Improvement. Educational Viewpoints, 46-48.

Walter Greason

Greason, Walter and Julian Chambliss. 2018. Cities Imagined: The African Diaspora in Media and History. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.

Greason, Walter, and David Goldberg. 2018. Industrial Segregation. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.

Tina R. Paone

Paone, Tina R., Krista M. Malott, Nicole Pulliam, and Jiabao Gao. 2018. Use of Photovoice in Processing Race-Based Topics in a Multicultural Counseling Course. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health 13 (1): 92-105.

Alyson M. Pompeo-Fargnoli

Pompeo-Fargnoli, Alyson. and Anthony. Fargnoli. 2018. The Role of Counseling to Assist in Heart Disease Improved Outcomes. Presented at North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (NARACES), Burlington, VT, September 27-30.

Pompeo-Fargnoli, Alyson. 2018. The Future Scholars Program: A Counselor Education Community Partnership to Create Systemic Social Change. Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES) Newsletter.

Pompeo-Fargnoli, Alyson. 2018. Ecofeminist Therapy: From Theory to Practice. Journal of International Women's Studies 19 (6): 1-16.



Kristin Bluemel

Bluemel, Kristin, and Michael McCluskey, eds. 2018. Rural Modernity in Britain: A Critical Intervention. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Bluemel, Kristin. 2018. Ordinary Places, Intermodern Genres: Documentary, Travel and Literature. In British Literature in Transition, 1920-1940: Futility and Anarchy, 182-198. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Bluemel, Kristin. 2018. Windmills and Woodblocks: Agnes Miller Parker, Wood Engraving and the Popular Press in Interwar Britain. In Rural Modernity in Britain: A Critical Intervention, 84-102. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Bluemel, Kristin. 2018. Review of Dominic Head's, Modernity and the English Rural Novel. The Review of English Studies 69(291): E809-E811.

Heide Estes

Estes, Heide, trans. 2018. Beowulf, Lines 705-720. In Beowulf by All 1.0, edited by Elaine Treharne and Jeanie Abbott. Hosted by Stanford Text Technologies:

Mihaela Moscaliuc

Moscaliuc, Mihaela. 2018. The Ink of Cemeteries. In Hearth: A Global Conversation on Community, Identity, and Place, edited by Annick Smith and Susan O'Connor, 184-189. Minneapolis, MN: Milkweed Editions.

Michael Waters

Waters, Michael. 2018. The Dean of Discipline. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.

Courtney Wright-Werner

Werner, Courtney L. 2018. Defining New Media: Making Arguments about Literacy Events and Sponsors. Journal of Literacy and Technology 19(1): 63-92.

Kenneth Womack

Womack, Kenneth. 2018. Sound Pictures: The Life of Beatles Producer George Martin (The Later Years, 1966-2016). Chicago: Chicago Review Press

Graduate Studies

Michael A. Palladino

Palladino, Michael A., Genevieve A. Fasano, Dharm Patel, Christine Dugan, and Marie London. 2018. Effects of lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation on hypoxia and inflammatory gene expression pathways of the rat testis. Basic and Clinical Andrology 28 (1): 14.

Health and Physical Education

Sasha Canan

Levand, Mark, and Sasha Canan. 2018. Navigating Sexualization as a Sexuality Professional: Recommendations from Sexuality Educators at the 2016 National Sex Ed Conference, American Journal of Sexuality Education 13:1: 94-107, DOI: 10.1080/15546128.2018.1433566

Jeremy Lackman

Lackman, Jeremy, 2018. Graduate Assistants: The New Sharecroppers. Scholars' Press.

Lackman, Jeremy. 2019. Studying Abroad: Learned Lessons from Outdoor Adventure in Costa Rica. International Conference on Physical Education, Sports Medicine and Doping Studies, Osaka, Japan, August 8-9, 2018

History and Anthropology

Geoffrey Fouad

Fouad, Geoffrey, Andre Skupin, and Christina L. Tague. 2018. Regional Regression Models of Percentile Flows for the Contiguous United States: Expert Versus Data-driven Independent Variable. Journal of Hydrology 17: 64-82.

Adam Heinrich

Heinrich, Adam. 2018. Archaeological Identification of Woodland Period Shelters within the Inner Coastal Plain at the Gloucester City Native American Archaeological Historic District, Gloucester City, Camden County. Bulletin of the Archaeological Society of New Jersey,Vol. 71-73: 68-88.

Katherine Parkin

Parkin, Katherine. 2018. Alice Ramsey: Driving in New Directions. New Jersey Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 4(2)

Parkin, Katherine. 2018. Exploring Advertising History in Online Archives. Advertising and Society Quarterly 19(1)

L. Benjamin Rolsky

Rolsky, L. Benjamin. 2018. Charles Long. In The Palgrave Handbook of Radical Theology, 281-296, edited by Christopher Rodkey and Jordan Miller. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Rolsky, L. Benjamin. 2018. The Chronic. In St.James Encyclopedia of Hip Hop Culture. New York: St. James Press.

Rolsky, L. Benjamin. 2018. Producers/Beatmakers. In St.James Encyclopedia of Hip Hop Culture. New York: St. James Press.

Rolsky, L. Benjamin. 2018. Culture Wars. In St.James Encyclopedia of Hip Hop Culture. New York: St. James Press.

Melissa Ziobro

Ziobro, Melissa. 2018. “The Almighty Dollar Will Buy You, You Bet/ A Superior Class Of Coronet": Biographical Sketches Of N.J.’S Gilded Age "Dollar Princesses." New Jersey Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 4(3): 230-262

Institute for Health and Wellness

Belinda J. Anderson

Hullender Rubin, Lee E., Belinda J. Anderson, and LaTasha B. Craig. 2018. Acupuncture and in Vitro Fertilisation Research: Current and Future Directions. Acupuncture in Medicine 36 (2): 117-122.


Eleonora Dubicki

Dubicki, Eleonora, and Susan Bucks. 2018. Tapping Government Sources for Course Assignments. Reference Services Review 46(1): 29-41.

Susan Bucks

Dubicki, Eleonora, and Susan Bucks. 2018. Tapping Government Sources for Course Assignments. Reference Services Review 46(1): 29-41.

Management and Decision Sciences

Joseph McManus

McManus, Joseph. 2018. Ethical considerations & the practice of tanking in sport management. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy.

Paul A. Myerson

Myerson, Paul A. 2018. Lean Demand-Driven Procurement: How to Apply Lean Thinking to Your Supply Management Processes. Productivity Press.

Marketing and International Business


David Darmon

Darmon, David, William Rand, and Michelle Girvan. 2018. Computational Landscape of User Behavior on Social Media. Physical Review E 98(6).


Rose Knapp

Knapp, Rose. 2018. Respiratory Care Made Incredibly Easy 2nd Edition. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.

Cheryl Leiningen

Leiningen, Cheryl, and Laura Kelly. 2018. Val & Holly: Teaching Empathy through an Evolving Case Study. Nursing Education Perspectives 39 (6): 378-9.

Leiningen, Cherly. 2018. Review of Nursing Care Planning Made Incredibly Easy!, 3rd. Edition. Doody's Review Service.

Political Science and Sociology

Stephen J. Chapman

Chapman, Stephen J. and Nicole Benis. 2018. Ceteris Non Paribus: The Intersectionality of Gender, Race, and Region in the Gender Wage Gap. Women's Studies International Forum 65: 78-86.

Chapman, Stephen J. 2018. Review of Discovering Statistics using SPSS Statistics, 4th edition by Andy Field. Journal of Political Science Education 14(1): 145-147.

Kevin Dooley

Dooley, Kevin. 2018. Allegories and Metaphors in Early Political Thought. New York: Peter Lang, Inc.

Johanna Foster

Foster, Johanna and Sherizaan Minwalla. 2018. Voices of Yazidi Women: Perceptions of Journalistic Practices on the Reporting of ISIS Sexual Violence. Women's Studies International Forum 67:53-64.

Foster, Johanna. 2018. Feminist Movement Histories. In Feminist Perspectives on Social Work Practice The Intersecting Lives of Women in the 21st Century, edited by Shannon Butler-Mokoro and Laurie Grant, 16-32. New York: Oxford University Press.

Foster, Johanna. 2018. Key Feminist Theoretical Orientations in Contemporary Feminist Practice. In Feminist Perspectives on Social Work Practice The Intersecting Lives of Women in the 21st Century, edited by Shannon Butler-Mokoro and Laurie Grant, 33-58. New York: Oxford University Press.

Foster, Johanna. 2018. Women and Criminalization at the Intersections. In Feminist Perspectives on Social Work Practice The Intersecting Lives of Women in the 21st Century, edited by Shannon Butler-Mokoro and Laurie Grant, 131-152. New York: Oxford University Press.

Jen McGovern

McGovern, Jen. 2018. "You Have to Have Money to Be Good": How Capital Accumulation Shapes Latinas' Pathways to College Sports. Journal of Intercollegiate Sport 11(2): 149-171.

Saliba Sarsar

Sarsar, Saliba. 2018. Jerusalem: The Home in Our Hearts: A Family's Multigenerational Story of Faith, Hope and Resilience. Noble Book Publishing.

Sarsar, Saliba. 2018. What Jerusalem Means to Us: Christian Perspectives and Reflections. Bethesda, MD: Holy Land Books.

Sarsar, Saliba. 2018. Living My Faith in Jerusalem. In What Jerusalem Means to Us: Christian Perspectives and Reflections, edited by Saliba Sarsar, 217-228. Bethesda, MD: Holy Land Books.

Corey Wrenn

Wrenn, Corey. 2018. Pussy Grabs Back: Bestialized Sexual Politics and Intersectional Failure in Protest Posters for the 2017 Women's March. Feminist Media Studies: 1-19. doi:10.1080/14680777.2018.1465107.

Wrenn, Corey Lee. 2018. College Student Literacy of Food Animal Slaughter in the United States. International Journal of Agriculture and Food 24(2): 215-228.

Wrenn, Corey Lee. August, 2018. Free-Riders in the Nonprofit Industrial Complex: The Problem of Flexitarianism. Society & Animals. doi: 10.1163/15685306-12341544.

Wrenn, Corey Lee. 2018. Mobilizing Food: A Review of Building Nature's Market. Journal of agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 1-5.

Professional Counseling


Lisa M. Dinella

Weisgram, Erica S., and Lisa M. Dinella. 2018. Gender Typing of Children's Toys: How Early Play Experiences Impact Development. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Dinella, Lisa M. 2018. Research Methods in Studying Gender and Toy Preferences, in Gender Typing of Children's Toys: How Early Play Experiences Impact Development, edited by Erica S. Weisgram and Lisa M. Dinella. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Robyn Holmes

Holmes, Robyn M., and Lynn Romeo. 2018. Researching Children’s play, language, and creativity using mixed methods. London: Sage Publications. DOI:

Moedt, Kelly, and Robyn M. Holmes. 2018. The effects of purposeful play after shared storybook readings on kindergarten children's reading comprehension, creativity, and language skills and abilities. Early Child Development and Care. DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2018.14969.

Koolidge, Louis, and Robyn M. Holmes. 2018. Piecing it together: The effect of background music on children's puzzle assembly. Perceptual and Motor Skills 125 (2): 387.

Holmes, Robyn. 2018. “What if the kids don’t like me?”: Using ethnography to guide future child researchers. NEOS: Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group​ (10)1: 11-12.

Michele Van Volkom

Kramer Allison, and Michele Van Volkom. 2018. The Influence of Cognitive Heuristics and Stereotypes About Greek Letter Organizations on Jury Decisions. Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research 23(1):51-60.

School of Education

Wendy A. Harriott

Wong, Chiu-Yin, and Wendy A. Harriott. 2018. Jen's Story: How Being Gifted and Talented Affects a Teacher. In Identifying, Describing, and Developing Teachers Who Are Gifted and Talented, edited by Meta L. Van Sickle, Julie D. Swanson, Judith A. Bazler, and Kathryn L. Lubniewski, 123-133. Hersey, PA: IGI Publishing.

John Henning

Henning, John. 2018. The Gifted Practitioner. In Identifying, Describing, and Developing Teachers Who Are Gifted and Talented, edited by Meta L. Van Sickle, Julie D. Swanson, Judith A. Bazler, and Kathryn L. Lubniewski, 22-36. Hersey, PA: IGI Publishing.

Henning, John E., Bragen, Bernard F.. Mulvaney,Tracy, & George, William O., III. 2018. A sustainable teacher residency: Designing paid internships for teacher education. School- University Partnerships, The Journal of the National Association for Professional Development Schools 11(1). Retrieved from

Henning, J.E., Bragen, B.F., Jr., Mulvaney, T., George, W.O., III, Duffy, G., Aldarelli, E., Grabowski, C., Harriott, W., Riddle, M., Falco, J., Heaney, P., Earle, C., Foster, L., & Borlan, C. 2018. The Monmouth University partnership: Redesigning practice. School-University Partnerships: The Journal of the National Association for Professional Development Schools, 11(1): 3-8.

Henning, John E., Timothy Mckeny, Ginger Weade, Danielle E. Dani, Linda J. Rice, and Anthony J. Xenos. 2018. Designing teaching practice: A case study of pro-c creativity. Teacher Education and Practice 31 (1): 81.

Henning, John E. 2018. “Seeing” Structure in Text: 11th Graders’ Perception Of Relationship In Essay Writing. Educational Studies.

Tracey Mulvaney

Haspel, M. and Tracey Mulvaney. 2018. The Twice-Exceptional (2e) Truth: The Complex Characteristics and Needs of 2e Students in Schools and the Community.  Twice-Exceptional (2e) Truth: The Complex Characteristics and Needs of 2e students in Schools and the Community. In Identifying, Describing, and Developing Teachers Who Are Gifted and Talented, edited by Meta L. Van Sickle, Julie D. Swanson, Judith A. Bazler, and Kathryn L. Lubniewski. Hersey, PA: IGI Publishing.

Henning, John E., Bragen, Bernard F.. Mulvaney,Tracy, & George, William O., III. 2018. A sustainable teacher residency: Designing paid internships for teacher education. School- University Partnerships, The Journal of the National Association for Professional Development Schools 11(1). Retrieved from

Henning, J.E., Bragen, B.F., Jr., Mulvaney, T., George, W.O., III, Duffy, G., Aldarelli, E., Grabowski, C., Harriott, W., Riddle, M., Falco, J., Heaney, P., Earle, C., Foster, L., & Borlan, C. 2018. The Monmouth University partnership: Redesigning practice. School-University Partnerships: The Journal of the National Association for Professional Development Schools, 11(1): 3-8.

School of Social Work

Cory Cummings

Cummings, Cory R., and Kia J. Bentley. 2018. A recovery perspective on wellness: Connection, awareness, congruence. Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health 5 (2): 139-50

Robin Mama

Mama, Robin. 2018. Community Gardening: The Nexus for Community, Social Work and University Collaboration. In The Routledge Handbook of Green Social Work, 182-191, edited by Lena Dominelli. London: Routledge.

Golam M. Mathbor

Pradhan, Mohammed Abdul Hannan, Aslam Hossain, Md., and Golam M. Mathbor. 2018. Impact of Age Structure and Savings Rate on Economic Growth: The Case of Bangladesh. Social Development Issues 40(3): 1-16.

Drolet, Julie, Robin Ersing, Lena Dominelli, Margaret Alston, Golam Mathbor, Yenyi Huang, and Haorui Wu. 2018. Rebuilding Lives and Communities Postdisaster: A Case Study on Migrant Workers and Diversity in the USA. Australian Social Work 71 (4): 444–56.

Drolet, Julie, Haorui Wu, Robin Ersing, Margaret Alston, Desley Hargreaves, Yenyi Huang, Chao Hsing Huang and Golam Mathbor. 2018. Rebuilding Lives Post-Disaster: Innovative Community Practices for Sustainable Development. In The Routledge Handbook of Green Social Work, 63-73, edited by Lena Dominelli. London: Routledge.

Special Education

Mary Brennan

Lubniewski, Kathryn L. and Mary Brennan. 2018. Road Map for GATE in Creating Innovative Differentiated Approaches to Skill Development. In Identifying, Describing, and Developing Teachers Who Are Gifted and Talented, edited by Meta L. Van Sickle, Julie D. Swanson, Judith A. Bazler, and Kathryn L. Lubniewski, 205-214. Hersey, PA: IGI Publishing.

Kathryn Lubniewski

Van Sickle, Meta L., Julie D. Swanson, Judith A. Bazler, and Kathryn L. Lubniewski. 2018. Identifying, Describing, and Developing Teachers Who Are Gifted and Talented. Hersey, PA: IGI Publishing.

Lubniewski, Kathryn L. and Mary Brennan. 2018. Road Map for GATE in Creating Innovative Differentiated Approaches to Skill Development. In Identifying, Describing, and Developing Teachers Who Are Gifted and Talented, edited by Meta L. Van Sickle, ulie D. Swanson, Judith A. Bazler, and Kathryn L. Lubniewski, 205-214. Hersey, PA: IGI Publishing.

Natale, Kirstin, and Kathryn Lubniewski. 2018. Use of Communication and Technology Among Educational Professionals and Families. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education 10 (3): 377-384.

McArthur, Carol L., and Kathryn L. Lubniewski. 2018. Evaluating Instructional Apps Using the App Checklist for Educators (ACE). International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education10 (3): 323-329.

Speech-Language Pathology

Erik X. Raj

Trichon, Mitchell, and Erik X. Raj. 2018. Peer Support for People Who Stutter: History, Benefits, and Accessibility. In More Than Fluency: The Social, Emotional, and Cognitive Dimensions of Stutteringedited by Barbara J. Amster and Evelyn R. Klein187-214. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing.

Kathleen Scaler Scott

Scaler Scott, Kathleen. 2018. Fluency Plus: Managing Fluency Disorders in Individuals with Multiple Diagnoses. New Jersey: Slack, Inc.

World Languages and Cultures

Manuel Chávez

Chávez, Manuel. 2018. The Chicano/a Movement and Philosophy: Recovering Patrick Carey-Herrera’s Chicanismo: Hypothesis, Thesis, and Argument: Seven Essays Concerning the Essentials of Chicano Thought and Behavior. Inter-American Journal of Philosophy 9(2): 58-75.


Paul Humphrey

Humphrey, Paul. 2018. "El manto que cubre el mar": Religion, Identity and the Sea in Rita Indiana’s La mucama de Omicunlé. Sargasso 2017(1): 109-125

Alison Maginn

Maginn, Alison. 2018. Female Erotica in Post-Franco Spain: The Will-to-Disturb. In Contemporary Literary Criticism, edited by Lawrence J. Trudeau, 24-23. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale.

Julia Riordan-Goncalves

Riordan-Goncalves, Julia. 2018. The Body Speaks: Pain, Discipline and Agency in Ana Cañil's Si a los tres años no he vuelto. Letras hispanas 14: 139-153.

Riordan-Goncalves, Julia. 2018. The Discourse of Silence as Testimony in Jenn Díaz’s Es un decir. Hispania 101(1): 125-135.

Riordan-Goncalves, Julia. 2018. Trauma and the Family Emotional System in Jenn Díaz’s Es un decir and Marisa Silva Schultze’s Apenas diez. Cincinnati Romance Review 43: 197-215.

Writing Services and Supplemental Instruction

Neva Lozada

Lozada, Neva and Ane Turner Johnson. 2018. Bridging the Supplemental Instruction Leader Experience and Post-Graduation Life."Learning Assistance Review 23(1): 95-114.


*MU Student

2018 Monmouth University Faculty Authors