Monmouth University Authors

Publications of Monmouth University faculty organized by year of publication.

Art and Design

Kimberly Callas

Callas, K. (2024). Disability, the environment, and colonialism [Cover illustration].


James Mack

Bass, N. I., Parekh, M. Y., Satyal, P., Soni, S., Jacob, J. A., Mack, J. P., & Lobo, D. E. (2024). Manuka essential oil triggers apoptosis and activation of c-Jun n-terminal kinase in fibroblasts and fibrosarcoma cells. Molecules, 29(21), 5168.

Dottie Lobo

Bass, N. I., Parekh, M. Y., Satyal, P., Soni, S., Jacob, J. A., Mack, J. P., & Lobo, D. E. (2024). Manuka essential oil triggers apoptosis and activation of c-Jun n-terminal kinase in fibroblasts and fibrosarcoma cells. Molecules, 29(21), 5168.

Chemistry and Physics

Nikita Burrows

Nyansa, M. M. S., Burrows, N. L., Galerneau, A. J., Bekkala, A. P., & Hungwe, K. N. (2024). Beyond intentions: Understanding the gap between safety education and student behaviors. Journal of Chemical Education, 101(3), 798-806.

Gaines, T., & Burrows, N. L. (2024). Exploring alternative assessments during COVID: Instructor experiences using oral exams. Frontiers in Education, 9.

Nyansa, M. M. S., Burrows, N. L., Galerneau, A. J., Bekkala, A. P., & Hungwe, K. N. (2024). Investigating the impact of ramp-based safety instruction on student learning in an organic chemistry lab course. Journal of Chemical Education, 101(6), 2203-2214.


Michael Phillips-Anderson

Phillips-Anderson, M. (2024). Founding contradictions, contemporary expressions: Political humor in American culture. In O. Feldman (Ed.), Political humor worldwide: The cultural context of political comedy, satire, and parody (pp. 31-47). Springer.

Computer Science and Software Engineering

Jiacun Wang

Guo, X., Jiao, C., Ji, P., Wang, J., Qin, S., Hu, B., Qi, L., & Lang, X. (2024). Large language model-assisted reinforcement learning for hybrid disassembly line problem. Mathematics, 12(24), 4000.

Curriculum and Instruction

Jason Fitzgerald

Mulvaney, T., George, W. O., III, Fitzgerald, J., & Morales, W. (2024). Transformative leadership and change initiative implementation for P-12 and higher education. IGI Global.


Vecihi Zambak

Karns, L., & Zambak, V. (2024). College enrollment differences: The impact of Title I funded elementary schools. In T. Mulvaney, W. George, III, J. C. Fitzgerald, & W. Morales (Eds.), Transformative leadership and change initiative implementation for P-12 and higher education. Information Science Reference.

Zambak, V., Romagnoli, A., Bazler, J., & Van Sickle, M. (2024). Five-week module to introduce interdisciplinary STEAM vision to preservice secondary teachers: A collaborative teacher education approach. In T. Mulvaney, W. George, III, J. C. Fitzgerald, & W. Morales (Eds.), Transformative leadership and change initiative implementation for P-12 and higher education. Information Science Reference.

Steiner, L., Rizzuto, K., & Zambak, V. (2024). Promoting children's achievement in mathematics using literacy strategies: A school-based intervention to increase parental involvement in children's mathematical learning introduction. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 13(2).

Kim, J., Zak, S., & Zambak, V. S. (2024). Interdisciplinary elementary teacher preparation. In J. Kim & S. Zak (Eds.), Interdisciplinary teaching and teacher education: Developing teacher competencies for interdisciplinary instruction. Rowman & Littlefield.

Chiu-Yin (Cathy) Wong

Guarino, A., & Wong, C.-Y. (2024). Meeting the needs of emergent bi/multilinguals through translanguaging: A professional development for teachers. In T. Mulvaney, W. George, III, J. C. Fitzgerald, & W. Morales (Eds.), Transformative leadership and change initiative implementation for P-12 and higher education. Information Science Reference.

Kiczkowiak, M. (Host), & Wong, C. (Guest). (2024, November 27). She published 5 papers in 12 months (Q1 Scopus-indexed journals) [Audio podcast episode]. In Published researcher.

Wong, C.-Y., & Lee, V. W. Y. (2024). 'This is valuable professional development for me': Integrating the multimodalities-entextualization cycle (MEC) in a Chinese DLBE classroom via teacher-researcher collaboration. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 1-32.

Lilly Steiner

Steiner, L., Rizzuto, K., & Zambak, V. (2024). Promoting children's achievement in mathematics using literacy strategies: A school-based intervention to increase parental involvement in children's mathematical learning introduction. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 13(2).

Kerry Carley-Rizzuto

Steiner, L., Rizzuto, K., & Zambak, V. (2024). Promoting children's achievement in mathematics using literacy strategies: A school-based intervention to increase parental involvement in children's mathematical learning introduction. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 13(2).

Jiwon Kim

Kim, J., & Zak, S. (Eds.). (2024). Interdisciplinary teaching and teacher education: Developing teacher competencies for interdisciplinary instruction. Rowman & Littlefield.

Kim, J., Zak, S., & Zambak, V. S. (2024). Interdisciplinary elementary teacher preparation. In J. Kim & S. Zak (Eds.), Interdisciplinary teaching and teacher education: Developing teacher competencies for interdisciplinary instruction. Rowman & Littlefield.

Kim, J. (2024). Introduction to interdisciplinary education. In J. Kim & S. Zak (Eds.), Interdisciplinary teaching and teacher education: Developing teacher competencies for interdisciplinary instruction. Rowman & Littlefield.

Christine Grabowski

Grabowski, C. (2024). Planning an elementary interdisciplinary unity. In J. Kim & S. Zak (Eds.), Interdisciplinary teaching and teacher education: Developing teacher competencies for interdisciplinary instruction. Rowman & Littlefield.

Economics, Finance and Real Estate

Robert H. Scott

Fouad, G., & Scott, R. H. (2024). The beer garden state: Neolocalism and clustering of craft breweries in New Jersey. Journal of Wine Economics, 1-23.

Scott, R. H., III. (2024, March 29). Why Jersey girls - and guys - still don't pump their own gas. The Conversation.

Scott, R. H. (2024). The evolution of redlining in the United States housing market. Journal of Economic Issues, 58(2), 588-597.

Scott, R. H., III, & Fouad, G. (2024, August 11). New Jersey's craft brewing industry is continuing to grow: What comes next? USA Today.

Scott, R. H., III, Sher, M., & Paz, M. T. (2024). In the money: An analysis of monetary value of chips and player outcomes in no limit Texas hold'em poker tournaments. The Journal of Gambling Business and Economics, 17(1).

Educational Counseling and Leadership

 William O. George, III., Wendy Morales, & Tracey Mulvaney

George, W. O., Morales, W. G., Mulvaney, T. L., & Tranchina, D. (2024). Developing highly effective adjunct faculty in a hyflex Ed.D. program. In T. Tarbutton & L. Doyle (Eds.), Adjunct faculty in online higher education: Best practices for teaching adult learners (pp. 66-84). Information Science Reference.

Tracy Mulvaney, William O. George, III., Jason Fitzgerald & Wendy Morales

Mulvaney, T., George, W. O., III, Fitzgerald, J., & Morales, W. (2024). Transformative leadership and change initiative implementation for P-12 and higher education. IGI Global.

Nicole Pulliam

Villarreal, A., Pulliam, N., & Londoño, J. (2024). Understanding & creating a sense of belonging in immigrant-Hispanic students. In T. Mulvaney, W. George, III, J. C. Fitzgerald, & W. Morales (Eds.), Transformative leadership and change initiative implementation for P-12 and higher education. Information Science Reference.


William Smith

Smith, W. (2024). Healthy staffroom, healthy classroom: Creating a meaningful educator wellness initiative. In T. Mulvaney, W. George, J. C. Fitzgerald, & W. Morales (Eds.), Transformative leadership and change initiative implementation for P-12 and higher education. Information Science Reference.


James McConville

McConville, J. (2023-24). "the war depends on you": Suicidal romanticism in Jeff Buckley's Grace. American Music Perspectives, 3(1), 58-78.

Alex Romagnoli

Romagnoli, A. (2024). Hitting for average: Educational assessment, unidimensionality, and the connection to baseball hitting statistics. Educational Considerations, 49(3).

Kenneth Womack

Womack, K., & Campbell, K. L. (2024). Bruce songs: The music of Bruce Springsteen, album-by-album, song-by-song. Rutgers University Press.

John Vercher

Vercher, J. (2024). Devil is fine. Celadon Books.

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Health and Physical Education

Tamara Rial-Faigenbaum (Rebullido)

Hernández-Rovira, E., Rial-Rebullido, T., Alonso-Aubin, D. A., & Cañabate Ortiz, D. (2024). Effects of hypopressive exercise on dynamic neuromuscular control in female roller-skaters. International Journal of Exercise Science, 17(6), 252-264.

Faigenbaum, A. D., Kamis, D., & Rial-Rebullido, T. (2024). A strong approach for overcoming the FoRE: Fear of resistance exercise. ACSM'S Health & Fitness Journal, 28(3), 14-20.

Hernández Rovira, E., Rebullido, T. R., Cañabate, D., & Torrents Martí, C. (2024). What is known from the existing literature about hypopressive exercise? A pager-compliant scoping review. Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine.

Rial-Faigenbaum, T. (2024). Pelvic floor training. In B. Bushman (Ed.), Fitness professional's handbook (8th ed.). Human Kinetics.

Faigenbaum, A. D., Garcia-Hermoso, A., MacDonald, J. P., Mortatti, A., & Rial Rebullido, T. (2024). Bridging the gap between strengthspan and lifespan. British Journal of Sports Medicine, bjsports-2024-108357.

Hope, A., Rebullido, T. R., & Drewson, S. (2024). All stars moving together: A school–university partnership for shining youth. British Journal of Sports Medicine, bjsports-2024-109021.

Andrea Hope

Hope, A., Rebullido, T. R., & Drewson, S. (2024). All stars moving together: A school–university partnership for shining youth. British Journal of Sports Medicine, bjsports-2024-109021.

Staci Drewson

Hope, A., Rebullido, T. R., & Drewson, S. (2024). All stars moving together: A school–university partnership for shining youth. British Journal of Sports Medicine, bjsports-2024-109021.

History and Anthropology

William Gorman

Gorman, W. M. (2024). American economic development from historical and contemporary perspectives (2nd ed.). Kendall Hunt.

Katherine Parkin

Elvins, S., & Parkin, K. (2024). The business of abortion: Referral services, cross-border consumption, and Canadian women's access to abortion in New York state, 1970–1972. Enterprise & Society, 1-21.

Richard Veit

Woodruff, J., Veit, R., & Kelly, N. (2024). Medicine, reproduction, and women's health at the Orange Valley plantation, Jamaica. Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and Heritage, 1-31.

Jameson, J. H., Baugher, S., & Veit, R. F. (Eds.). (2024). Monuments and memory: Archaeological perspectives on commemoration. University Press of Florida.

Veit, R., Cianciosi, M., & Butchko, J. (2024). Cannons by the courthouse: War memorials, memory, and commemorations in modern suburbia. In J. H. Jameson, S. Baugher, & R. F. Veit (Eds.), Monuments and memory : archaeological perspectives on commemoration (pp. 255-274). University Press of Florida.

Kenneth L. Campbell

Womack, K., & Campbell, K. L. (2024). Bruce songs: The music of Bruce Springsteen, album-by-album, song-by-song. Rutgers University Press.

Melissa Ziobro

Ziobro, M. (2024). Fort Monmouth: The US army's house of magic. Brookline Books.

Ziobro, M. (2024). A glimpse inside the collection of the Bruce Springsteen Archives & Center for American Music at Monmouth University. BOSS: The Biannual Online-Journal of Springsteen Studies, 6, 137-159.

Ziobro, M. (2024). "Be assured that...all...memorials will be kept sacred and beautiful": The life cycle of memorials at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. In J. H. Jameson, S. Baugher, & R. F. Veit (Eds.), Monuments and memory : archaeological perspectives on commemoration (pp. 237-254). University Press of Florida.


Barbara Coffey

Coffey, B. L. (2024, Fall). The financial returns from U.S. whaling voyages. Historic Nantucket Magazine, 74(3), 18-29.

Management and Leadership

Mikhail Sher

Scott, R. H., III, Sher, M., & Paz, M. T. (2024). In the money: An analysis of monetary value of chips and player outcomes in no limit Texas hold'em poker tournaments. The Journal of Gambling Business and Economics, 17(1).

Joseph Mosca & Janeth Merkle

Mosca, J. B., & Merkle, J. F. (2024). Strategic onboarding: Tailoring Gen Z transition for workplace success. Journal of Business Diversity, 24(1), 1-13.


Derek Tranchina

George, W. O., Morales, W. G., Mulvaney, T. L., & Tranchina, D. (2024). Developing highly effective adjunct faculty in a hyflex Ed.D. program. In T. Tarbutton & L. Doyle (Eds.), Adjunct faculty in online higher education: Best practices for teaching adult learners (pp. 66-84). Information Science Reference.

Sandra Zak

Kim, J., & Zak, S. (Eds.). (2024). Interdisciplinary teaching and teacher education: Developing teacher competencies for interdisciplinary instruction. Rowman & Littlefield.

Kim, J., Zak, S., & Zambak, V. S. (2024). Interdisciplinary elementary teacher preparation. In J. Kim & S. Zak (Eds.), Interdisciplinary teaching and teacher education: Developing teacher competencies for interdisciplinary instruction. Rowman & Littlefield.

Zak, S. (2024). Conclusion. In J. Kim & S. Zak (Eds.), Interdisciplinary teaching and teacher education: Developing teacher competencies for interdisciplinary instruction. Rowman & Littlefield.


Rose Knapp

Knapp, R. (2024). Hemodynamic monitoring made incredibly easy! (5th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.

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Political Science and Sociology

Johanna Foster & Jen McGovern

Foster, J. E., & McGovern, J. (2024). The persistence of separate and unequal: Debunking myths of the market in bargaining for faculty gender salary equity. Journal of Collective Bargaining in the Academy, 15(2).

Jen McGovern

McGovern, J., & Dinella, L. M. (2024). Gender-Typing of children's sports toys persists: A mixed-methods investigation. Sex Roles.


Robyn Holmes

Holmes, R. M., & Roopnarine, J. L. (Eds.). (2024). Culture, schooling, and children's learning experiences. Oxford University Press.

Lisa Dinella

McGovern, J., & Dinella, L. M. (2024). Gender-Typing of children's sports toys persists: A mixed-methods investigation. Sex Roles.

School of Humanities & Social Sciences

David Hamilton Golland

Golland, D. H. (2024). Livin' just to find emotion: Journey and the story of American rock. Rowman & Littlefield.

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Golland, D. H. (2024, February 6). How you can write like a historian without getting a PhD. Writer's Digest.

The big idea: David Hamilton Golland. (2024, February 7). Whatever.

Social Work

Jeanne Koller

Koller, J. (2024). The psychological person: Cognition, emotion, personality, and self. In E. D. Hutchison & L. W. Charlesworth (Eds.), Dimensions of human behavior: Person and environment (7th ed., pp. 201-248). Sage Publications.

Mooney, L., Cummings, C., Koller, J. M., Dunkle, J., & Bobadilla, T. (2024). Perspectives of social work faculty/staff and students about online learning and practicum education. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 44(5), 462-475.

Koller, J., & Urbanski, P. (2024). Aging and the lived experiences of transgender and gender nonbinary older adults. The Journal of Aging and Social Change, 14(2), 127-155.

Simone Snyder

Snyder, S. (2024). Getting to the root: Bridging the micro-macro divide using the critical transformative potential development framework. Abolitionist Perspectives in Social Work, 1(2), 1-13.

Paul Urbanski

Koller, J., & Urbanski, P. (2024). Aging and the lived experiences of transgender and gender nonbinary older adults. The Journal of Aging and Social Change, 14(2), 127-155.

Special Education

Kathryn Lubniewski

Price, L., Lubniewski, K., & Du, Y. (2024, March 10). Using ChatGPT to create treatment materials. ASHA.

Ai Kamei, Kathryn Lubniewski, Stacy Lauderdale Littin, Carol McArthur-Amedeo,  Mary Haspel, & Wendy Harriott

Kamei, A., Lubniewski, K., Littin, S. L., McArthur-Amedeo, C., Haspel, M., & Harriott, W. (2024). An overview of the challenges and resources special education professionals reported during the early COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals, Winter.

Alex Romagnoli

Zambak, V., Romagnoli, A., Bazler, J., & Van Sickle, M. (2024). Five-week module to introduce interdisciplinary STEAM vision to preservice secondary teachers: A collaborative teacher education approach. In T. Mulvaney, W. George, III, J. C. Fitzgerald, & W. Morales (Eds.), Transformative leadership and change initiative implementation for P-12 and higher education. Information Science Reference.

Speech-Language Pathology

Patrick Walden

Hoepner, J., & Walden, P. R. (2024). SoTL research methods in communication sciences and disorders. In S. M. Ginsberg, C. F. Visconti, & J. C. Friberg (Eds.), Scholarship of teaching and learning in communication sciences and disorders: Past, present, and future (pp. 37-59).

Erik Raj

Wiele, B., Cook, S., Raj, E. X., & Heim, S. (2024). Long-term evaluation of psychosocial impact and stuttering severity after intensive stuttering therapy. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 1-15.

World Languages and Cultures

Priscilla Gac-Artigas

Gac-Artigas, G. (2024). Un poète dans la ville: Un poeta en la ciudad (P. Gac-Artigas, Trans.). ‎ Editions L'Harmattan.

Gac-Artigas, G. (2024). Confieso que escribo / I confess that I write (A. G. Labinger & P. Gac-Artigas, Trans.). Hebel & Cross-Cultural Communications.

Gac-Artigas, P. (2024). Colectficción: Trascendiendo las fronteras del yo en la creación poética [Collectfiction: Transcending the frontiers of the self in poetry]. Hybrido, 26(19), 41-47.


Angello Villarreal

Villarreal, A., Pulliam, N., & Londoño, J. (2024). Understanding & creating a sense of belonging in immigrant-Hispanic students. In T. Mulvaney, W. George, III, J. C. Fitzgerald, & W. Morales (Eds.), Transformative leadership and change initiative implementation for P-12 and higher education. Information Science Reference.

Petillo, L., & Villarreal, A. (2024). Innovations in addressing inequity: How teacher leadership positively impacted DEI practices. In T. Mulvaney, W. George, III, J. C. Fitzgerald, & W. Morales (Eds.), Transformative leadership and change initiative implementation for P-12 and higher education. Information Science Reference.